Description: Italian Impressionist Oil Painting TOREADOR signed Aurelio Villanova.Year of creation: 1960-1970.SIZE: frame: 25 3/4X 21 3/4 (h), painting: 19 1/4X 15 1/4(h).I researched this artist and got a lot of information about him.Also I discovered on the Internet one more painting of TOREADOR by Villanova in simmilar style Born in Sernaglia della Battaglia (Treviso) on 9 October 1923, died in Dalmine (Bergamo) on 21 May 2012.Artistic training: At the Venice Academy of Fine Arts. At the Brera Academy in Milan with the Painter and Master Gino Moro. Student of the sculptor Carlo Conte and of the school of Applied Art. At the Free Gabbiani Academy in Milan together with the painter and Maestro Giacomo Gabbiani. At the Superior School of Art of the Castle of Milan with the Maestro Fedeli Francesco, holder of the chair of painting and composition at the same. Some of his public acknowledgments: Diploma of artistic merit and gold medal. At the Permanent Exhibition of Plastic and Figurative Arts, for the participation received by unanimous approval. (Macerata Dramatic Philharmonic Society), Macerata 1968. Academic Associate at the Tiberine Academy, Institute of University Culture and Higher Studies for the Development of Arts, Letters and Sciences, Rome 1969. Academic of merit at the Academy of "i 500", for the merits achieved with his fruitful and tenacious work. Rome 1970. Public Acts Office of the Italian Republic. Academic of Honor for his high merits at the Abruzzi Academy for Sciences and Arts, Chieti 1973. Academic of Italy with Gold medal. For his particular activity in the arts sector, Salsomaggiore Terme Accademia “Italia” 1978. International Award "Artist of the Year" UIL-UNSA 2009 XII EDITION Lifetime Achievement Award, La Spezia April 2010. History: Aurelio Villanova's interest in drawing and in the arts in general, creating the first pencil sketches, began during the Second World War, while he was employed in the municipality of Pieve di Soligo as a collocator and Technical Secretary of the Arts. of the war he settled in Milan where he met the painter and friend Maestro Giacomo Gabbiani at the Free Gabbiani Academy; here begins his true artistic passion. Later Villanova had two important meetings for his training: the first with the Painter Gino Moro Maestro at the Brera Academy in Milan where he will attend the school of painting and sculpture, the second with his friend and colleague the Maestro Fedeli Francesco, owner of the chair of painting and composition at the Superior School of Art of the Castle of Milan where he will study anatomy, then the great ascent begins with the first real professional artistic experiences. In 1960 Villanova met the Impressionist painters: Guglielmo Lazzarin, S.Basile, (with whom he opened the studio and later the art school "La Cappa", he met his painter friend Aldo Cortina with his brother Gallerista Enzo, and the indomitable painter and poet Bruno De Cerce, who together with them and many other colleagues will join with great enthusiasm, determination and participation, the unforgettable and picturesque "Battle of Via Bagutta" and will be part of the "Independent Painters Group of Via Bagutta". In 1967 in Milan, the School and Studio of the Nude "La Cappa" by painters Aurelio Villanova, Guglielmo Lazzarin and S.Basile is mentioned in the important book "A century of the Gallery" by Pino Zanchi and Federico Battelli << Severgnini Stampa >>. At a painting competition organized by Cesare Togni in his circus, Villanova meets Prof. Juanito Vettore, an Argentine impressionist painter, with whom he will establish a great friendship; this will be joined by the impressionist painter Enzo Simonetti and later after various artistic experiences, the three artist friends will be ironically nicknamed "The Three Musketeers" in the Milanese press. At the inauguration of a solo show by Villanova at the Gussoni gallery in Milan, the great master and painter Carlo Carrà visits him who, comparing him to the great Mario Sironi, encourages him to continue his pictorial style; very relevant event for the artist. Villanova will establish a beautiful friendship with the great sculptor Remo Riva, who together with his inseparable companions, Vettore and Simonetti, will make some interesting artistic experiences. Unfortunately, a friendship not lasting, it will be Villanova himself with his fellow painters to discover the dramatic death of the sculptor in his studio. Source of inspiration for many young painters, Aurelio Villanova for over fifty years worked with great commitment, seriousness and professionalism, in his studio in Via Anfiteatro in Milan. In 1983, the then President of the Italian Academy for Economic and Social Development, invited him to the II European Collective of Contemporary Art at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome. In 1988 Villanova made a difficult choice, he closed his much-loved studio to retire to Verdello, a pleasant town in the province of Bergamo, where he continued to paint and set up exhibitions with great determination and passion. In 2006 Villanova moved permanently to the nearby town of Dalmine, where his artistic flair never stopped, thanks also to his passionate son Gianfranco, who encouraged him to "not give up his brushes". In December 2008, at the age of eighty-five, Villanova was invited by the gallery owner and painter Maria Grazia Frassetto to participate in a group exhibition in her art gallery, the "New Artemisia Gallery" in Bergamo, receiving excellent approval. In January 2009, Villanova was invited by Raffaele De Salvatore, journalist and Director of the "EuroArte" Contemporary Art magazine to present his works on SKY Satellite TV and publish others in his important art magazine. March 2009, the critic Remo Alessandro Piperno, Director of the "CIDA" Publishing House in Rome, invites him to publish his Art in the International Catalog of Modern Art "MDS". May 2009, the Director Raffaele De Salvatore, organizes seven episodes with teleshopping on SKY TV People, including some of his works and in May 2009, he publishes two more pages, in his art magazine "EuroArte". At the 2009 “Premio delle Arti” competition - Aurelio Villanova obtained 3rd place, among the Judges Michelangelo Pepe, Rai director of the services of Alberto and Piero Angela. The "Alba" Publishing House, founded in 1972 by Dr. Flavio Puviani, today directed by Dr. Roberto Puviani, publishes the 1st edition of the "Alba Quotations Catalog 2009-2010", including the Artist Villanova with one of his works, " Carnations and Roses ". June 2009, Villanova is always present with his works in the magazine “EuroArte”. November 2009 is still mentioned with his works on "EuroArte". February 2010 continues the exhibition in the "EuroArte" Art and Culture Periodical. In the same month Aurelio Villanova is included in "The book" "aAz" by the journalist Raffaele de Salvatore, Italian National Archive of Contemporary Art (Gentile Annamaria Edizioni). April 2010, he received the XIIth Edition "ARTIST OF THE YEAR" International Award, Lifetime Achievement Award (La Spezia). September 2010 Villanova is present with his Works on the Art and Culture Periodical "EuroArte", on this occasion he is invited to participate in the "IIIrd Biennial Edition of Italian Contemporary Art" in Arezzo and Bologna, 2010. In December 2010 3rd Exhibition-Auction of painting and sculpture for charity, fashion "DÉFILÉ", Convent of the Minims of Roccella J. (RC). September 2010 appears in the Art and Culture Periodical "EuroArte". 2010 El Espejo De Delfos Capital Federal Buenos Aires (Argentina). April 2011 "EuroArte" Art and Culture Periodical. On "EuroArte" November / December 2011 Villanova died in his home in Dalmine on May 21, 2012, the Bergamasco and Treviso press was interested in him, numerous Italian and foreign testimonies from old and new collectors and admirers, the intervention of the Hon. Very welcome. G.P. Gobbo and Dr. G. Gentilin. In July 2012 Raffaele De Salvatore Director of "EuroArte" dedicates the cover of "EuroArte" to the Artist. A criticism of Prof. Eraldo Di Vita is present in the 2012 Art and Culture Periodical "EuroArte" On Art & Quotes 2012. February 2012 present on the occasion of the first issue “XXI Century Art. November 2012 Italian Biennial of Contemporary Art Cascina Monastero (Milan) IV Edition (Lecce). January 2013, the pictorial work; Competition, an oil on canvas, is selected by a scientific committee, and included in the Editorial project of Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi "Artists". January 2013, the Opera "Competizione" is published in the bi-monthly "Art Effect" of Culture. April 2013, Villanova and on "EuroArte" with six of his works, where he is mentioned by Dr. Eraldo Di Vita, as an artist to invest in! Since 2013 the works of Maestro Aurelio Villanova have been in permanence at the 3D-Ram Gallery in Lecce. 2014 Aurelio Villanova is included in the new Contemporary Art Yearbook "ARTISTS" edited by Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi. 2015 The editorial board of EA EDITORE chaired by Dr. Sandro Serradifalco has the honor of giving it the prestigious "ARTIST OF THE YEAR 2015" award. Figure in the following publications: National contemporary exhibition dedicated to drawing, 1962 (Udine). Italian Art in the World. Edition "S.E.N." (Turin) Art Gallery Edition <> Publisher. Edition Man and Image, "Literature and ART" 1963. Official Quotation Art Exchange, (Turin). Guide to European Art <> Publisher. European Quotes Catalog << Piccioli >> Publisher. Selection of Italian Painters and Sculptors. Publishing << G.Bertania >> (Turin) New documents of contemporary painting. Edition << The Graphics >> Publisher (Padua). The Modern Art Collector. 1967-1968-1970-1972-1973 editions, << Bolaffi >> Publisher, (Turin). Universal Encyclopedia SEDA 1969 Italian art in the world. Edition << S.E.N. >> (Turin). "The White Book of Italian Culture" << Academic Secretariat >> 1970 (Rome) Quotation of European painting. 1970 - 1971 - 1972, <> Publisher (Milan). Universal encyclopedia of modern painting. 1st-2nd Edition << S.E.D.A. >> (Milan). The 60s of Italian Art. 1st-2nd-3rd Edition << Art Studio >> (Piacenza). Painters and contemporary painting. Edition 1969-1970-1971-1972-1973, <>, (Milan). Guide to European Art, 1969 Edition, <> Publisher (Ancona). Contemporary Italian Artists, Vol. I ° << Our People >> Publisher (Turin). The Italian stylistic market from 1800-1900. Edition <> (Turin). Italian painting 1970, << L.Rosio >> edition (Milan). Contemporary painting in private collections, edition << International Center of Figurative Arts >> (Florence). Guide to European Art. Publisher <> (Ancona) Leonardo Encyclopedia of Contemporary Art Edac (Pavia). Yearbook of Italian visual artists <> Publisher (Milan). Biennial selection of art by critical sculptors and collectors << La comunicativa >> (Rome). The artistic limelight. << E.S.A. >> (Pacenza). National Atlas of Modern Art. <> publisher (Venice). "Who is he?" << S.E.N. >> (Turin). Vademecum in Italian art, <> Publisher (Venice) Dictionary of masters of art, published by the European Research Center (Chieti) C.Art "S.Cluc" (Barcelona), Edition << International Center of Figurative Arts >>. Italian painting. Contemporary Painting in Private Collections << International Center for Figurative Arts >> (Florence) Biennial Art Selection of Critical Sculptors and Collectors (ROME). National Atlas of Modern Art. Comanducci Publisher Dictionary 1970 <> (Milan). Profile and market 1955-1973, <> Publisher (Vicenza), International Archive of Contemporary Arts "GigArte" Publisher (Naples) 2008. Information magazine of Contemporary Art, <> Mar-Apr-May. 2009 (Lecce) Information magazine of Contemporary Art, <> Jun-Jul-Aug. 2009 (Lecce) "Art & twenty" The VIP Magazine November 2009 Catalog of "Alba" Contemporary Art Quotations 2009-2010 Alba Editrice (Ferrara) Information magazine on Contemporary Art, <> Nov-Dec-Jan. 2009/10 (Lecce) Information magazine on Contemporary Art, <> Feb-Mar-Apr. 2010 (Lecce) <> Italian National Archive of Contemporary Art 2010 September / October 2010 Periodical of Art and Culture "EuroArte". April / May 2011 Periodical of Art and Culture "EuroArte". June 2011 Periodical of Art and Culture "EuroArte". Art Periodical "EuroArte" November / December 2011. Art & Quotes 2012. Art of the XXI Century n ° 1 February 2012 July / August 2012 On the cover of the "EuroArte" Art and Culture Periodical, critic by Eraldo di Vita. July 2012 Monograph by the Artist. Art Effect - February 2013. Euro Arte - May 2013. Euro Arte - October 2013. The Square 2014/2015 "Artists" by Vittorio Sgarbi. 2014/2015 The Square 2015/2016 The Square 2016/2017 The Square 2017/2018 On some magazines: L'Unità - L'Avanti - The People - La Gazzetta dello Sport - The Province - Rimini - Today - Rome - Il Resto del Carlino - The Night - Corriere della Sera - The Day - The 24 Hours - Today's World - The Giornale di Bergamo - Shaker Club M. - Il Giornale di Pavia - Corriere Lombardo - Corriere degli Artisti - Aars Agency. M. - The Future of Italy - Art Lover - Eco delle Valli - Italy - Corriere della Valtellina - Diplomatic Suitcase - EuroArte - Art & Twenty - The Title - Artists of the XXI Century - L'Eco di Bergamo - La Tribuna of Treviso - BN-Arte. Some awards achieved: Great Medal Victoria AGES Journalists and Writers Association (Rome) - Dramatic Philharmonic Gold Medal (Macerata) - National Drawing Award (Rome) - Silver Medal at the 2nd Modigliani International Art Trophy (Milan) - Macugnaga Award (Milan) - "AGES" Victoria medal (Rome) - City of Crema Award (Crema) - First Prize "Avanti" (Milan) - Vermeille Montmatre Medal (Paris) - Dramatic Philharmonic Gold Medal (Macerata) - Awarded by Inernazional of Art (Zurich) - 1st Macugnaga Award (Milan) - Gold Medal Ass. M.Reali (Turin) - 3rd International Silver Medal (Sanremo) - 1st Gold Medal Award Provincial Tourism Authority (Piacenza ) - City of Crema Award (Crema) - Silver Plaque National Art Competition "i Cent del Guast" (Milan) - Italia Arte Award (Rome) - International Award "ARTIST OF THE YEAR" XIIth Edition, Lifetime Achievement Award , (La Spezia) - Colorism Award "The rebirth of Ismo" Web Edition 2009 - Marco Josto Agus - (Avezzano). Some personal exhibitions: M.M. Gallery "Piazzale Loreto" (Milan) - Civic Library (Turbigo) - Antille Gallery (Milan) - Garden Gallery (Jesolo) - Exhibition in Sion (Switzerland) - Lux Gallery (Milan) - Hotel Villa Bianca Galles (Rimini) - "Vecchia Brera "(Milan) - Young Art Gallery (Milan) - America Hotel (Rimini) -" Hotel Imperial "(Cosenza) - Palazzo dell'Arte (Milan) - Exhibition in Montmatre (Paris) - Studio Anfiteatro (Milan) -" Hotel Splendid "(Lissone) - America Hotel (Rimini) - New Padana Exhibition Gallery (Milan) - Palazzo Ottoni (City of Matelica) - Antille (Milan) - Bertoldo Asiago Gallery (Vicenza) - Palazzo dell'Arte Triennale (Milan) - Gallery Spazzapan (Borgomanero) - New Town Hall (Turbigo) - Art Room of the << Youth Center >> (Verdello) - Art Gallery of Adda (Capriate) - Church of the Addolorata (Osio Sotto) - Company Circle Gallery 1992 (Dalmine) - “Ubiali” Antiques 1993 (Dalmine) - Galleria Portici 1995 (Dalmine), Galleria Portici 1996 (Dalmine). Some competitions: A. Pozzo Award "Circolo della Stampa" (Milan) - Exhibition at the "Permanente" (Milan) - National Painting Award "Palazzo dei Visconti" (City of Somma Lombardo) - IVth Extemporaneous "Diplomatic Suitcase" (Crema) - IVth Palette d'Oro 1961 (Milan) - V Extemporaneous "Diplomatic Suitcase" 1961 (Milan) - Collective Competition Porta Ticinese De Raffaele De Grada - Extemporaneous Painting Competition "G.Mori" Award (Lecco) - Certosa Award (Pavia) - Club des Italians (France) - XIII ° Extemporaneous Competition for the National Painting Award. High Patronage of the Hon. Giuseppe Saragat President of the Republic 1965. - 1st Review of Contemporary Art Painting and Sculpture "A.C.S.I." (Rome) - “Fleur d'Anis” “Palazzo del Turismo” (Milan) - VI ° Extemporaneous Painting Competition (Lissone) - II ° “Mario Sironi” Painting Award (Milan) - 3rd "Bugatti" Competition (Nova Milanese ) - Invited to the National Drawing Award (Lignano), (Naples), (Trieste) - Contemporary Painting Competition "Palazzo dei Congressi" (Stresa) - Triestine Edition of the Lignano Award (Trieste) - Italy Art Award (Rome) - First "Avanti" Painting Prize (Milan) - "Moretti" Prize (S.Pellegrino) - First Exhibition of Avant-garde Figurative Art (Milan) - Neapolitan Edition of the Legnano Prize (Naples) - IV ° Competition Dott.Comm. Gaetano Astori (Piacenza) - 2nd Avant-garde Exhibition by Gabriele (Milan) - “Castello Orsino” National Award (Catania) - "Art and the Bag" painting award with Crippa, Simonetti, Vettore. (Milan) - 3rd International Edition "Il Pavone d'Oro 1973 Milan - Competition" Art in your spare time "Castel Ursino (Catania) - Social Exhibition of Painting Sculpture Drawing" Palazzo Sociale "(Milan) - 2nd Coop Painting Award .Edif "F. Sassetti" (Milan) - III ° Art Competition "Giuseppe Solenghi" Trevis Gallery IV ° Ex Aequo 1975 (Spotorno) - International Award for Painting, Sculpture and Graphics Torre d'Ansperto, Milan 1976 - IV ° “Sassetti” Award (Milan) - Competition of painting, sculpture, black and white “ex Palazzo Reale” Selected for the International Exhibition of Catania Selection Award (Milan) - 1st National Exhibition of Painting G.Bertacchi (Sondrio) - Biennale “Arte Sacra "- International Drawing Award" Jean Mirò "(Barcelona) - Colorism" The rebirth of the Ism "Web Edition 2009 - Marco Josto Agus - (Avezzano) -" Prize of the Arts "Gigarte (Naples) ... Some group exhibitions: Permanent Exhibition at the Odeon Theater (Milan) - V ° Painting Competition (Lissone) - Collective Loggia dei tre CCC (Treviso) - Clandestine exhibition on the walls of via Bagutta (Milan) - Collective "Caffè des Artistes" (Sion) - XIIIth Collective faithful to the figurative art gallery Lux (Milan) - Solidarity Art Exhibition Salone delle Colonne Palazzo Reale (Milan) - Extemporaneous G.Mori Prize (Lecco) - "F. Sassetti" Painting Prize (Milan) - Motel EUR Trezzano sul Naviglio (Milan) - Painters' gallery "Palazzo dei Congressi" contemporary painting exhibition (Stresa) - "Club des Italiens" (France) - Exhibition of Figurative Plastic Arts (Macerata) - XXth Collective exhibition faithful to the figurative gallery Lux ( Milan) - Italy-Art 2nd Contemporary Art Review (Rome) - S. Barnaba Art Center (Milan) - LXIX Annual Art (Milan) - La Giorgionesca (Dalmine), Painting Sculpture "The Encounter" Muggiò (Milan) - IIIrd International Exhibition of art, painting, sculpture, engraving, awarded diploma with silver medal (Sanremo) - Contemporary Collective "Hotel Jolly" (Vicenza) - Painting and Sculpture Exhibition "L'Incontro" (Milan ) - 1st Exhibition of Avant-garde of Figurative Art (Milan) - Lithographs, engravings, mosaics, wood and stone sculptures "Studio la Cappa" (Milan) - “Hotel Jolly” Collective of Contemporary Painting (Vicenza) - Pro Cantù Extemporaneous Competition (Como) - "Western Club" Lambiate (Milan) - "S.Barnaba" Giannazo, Giordan a, Nicotra, Villanova (Milan) - IXth National Art Exhibition of Pomero Rho (Milan) - Palazzo Ottoni 1971 (Matelica) - "Anfiteatro" Art Studio (Milan) - "Alle Antille" (Milan) - Cultural Club "Stadera" (Milan) - Cultural group of Col fosco (Treviso) - Lombard landscape at the "Permanente" (Milan) - Villanova and Tiziano Scarpel, Sernaglia della Battaglia (Treviso) - XXIVth Collective Lux Gallery (Milan) - XXVIIth Collective Lux Gallery (Milan) - "Everest" Under the Mountain Award (Bergamo) - "Tornese" Gallery (Milan) - Contemporary Collective Motel EUR (Milan) - Former Palazzo Reale (Milan) - Studio "Anfiteatro" Casali, Lazzarin, Simonetti, Villanova (Milan) - Contemporary Collective Gallery dei Mille (Limbiate) - Contemporary Venetian painters (Switzerland) - Loyola Tennis (Arona) - Exhibition of sketch at the Permanente (Milan) - Travini Exhibition (Milan) - Simonetti "Amphitheater" Art Studio, Villanova (Milan) - Contemporary Collective "La Saletta" (Milan) - First Collective Exhibition "al Guast" (Milan) - Galleria Club Occidentale Contemporary Painting Exhibition with Brindisi, Dova, Migneco, Quaglia, Boldrini, Simonetti, Vettore, .. (Limbiate) - << Simonetti Villanova >> “La Giorgianesca” Gallery (Dalmine) - Contemporary Art (Borgomanero) - 43rd Faithful to figurative Modern Art Gallery Lux (Milan) - Spazzapan Art Gallery (Milan) - Contemporary Collective "La Saletta" (Milan) - Collective "La Bussola" Sottomarina (Venice) - Collective exhibition at the "New Artemisia Gallery" (Bergamo) - Contemporary Art Exhibition, “Space Arte Gentile Anna Maria, (Lecce) - "III Biennale of Italian Contemporary Art" in Arezzo and Bologna, November 2010 - III Exhibition-Auction of painting and sculpture for charity, "DÉFILÉ" of fashion, Convent of the Minims of Roccella J . (RC) December 2010. - El Espejo De Delfos Capital Federal Buenos Aires (Argentina) 2010/11 - IV Biennial Edition of Italian Contemporary Art (Lecce 2011) - Palazzo Martinengo Sondrio IV Biennial of Italian Contemporary Art (Lecce) 2011 - IV Biennial of Italian Contemporary Art (Lecce) Cascina Monastero (Milan 2012). They talked about him: Prof. M. Monteverdi - Prof. A. Montanari - Prof. M. Portalupi - Prof. G.Scaramellini - Prof. E.Lupi - Prof. M.Novi - Prof. P. Zanchi - Prof. A. Filone - Prof. G.Marussi - Prof. U.Lucas - Critic Raffaele De Grada - Prof. R.Hannis - Prof. M.Sirtori Bolis - Avv.Prof. F. Ogliati - Giorn. Lino Teofilo Gobbato - Prof. L. Malvisi - Ghitta Hussar - Prof. F. Passoni - Dr. F. Zingales - Prof. M.Lepore - Prof. G. Mascherpa - Dr. Fontana - Prof. F. Hazon - Prof. G .Prevada - Prof. C. Melzi - Dr. Dr. C. Fontana - Prof. A.Bufali - Prof.ssa. Fiorella Conti Mayor of Matelica - Prof. O.Signorini - Prof. E.Adiamoli - Prof. A.Cara - Prof. V.Mascia - Prof. O.Savolini - Pitt.Carozzi - Pitt. Mario Sisana - Prof. G.Rammella - Prof. Dr. L.Sertoli - Prof. G.Chepes - Prof. V.Castelli - Prof. G.Hussar - Pitt.Giannantonio Forzanini - Prof. A.Coccia - Prof.ssa Lia Tommasi - Prof. E.Mastrolonardo - Dir. Cesare Zapperi - Prof. Don Lino Lazzari - Dr. Romeo Aracri - Dr. Historian of Art PEFrassetto - Dir. Raffaele De Salvatore - Prof. Eraldo Di Vita - Beniamino and Alessandra Agus - Painter Miriam Anedda - Painter Maurizio Stefanato - Master Tarquinio Bullo - Pitt. Romano Del soldier - Pitt. Alessandro Cremonini - Roman Painter - Del Soldato - Paolo Piergiovanni - Roman Painter Delsoldato - Maesto Alberto Pravato - Maestro Guido Marra - Prof. Enzo Passoni - Painter Manilo Rondoni - Prof. Mario Novi - Painter Carla Colombo - Maestro Cascella - Journalist "Dell 'Eco di Bergamo "Monica Longaretti - Pitt. Govanni Tarlao - Poetess Catherine La Rose - Pitt. Tonino De Luca - Pitt. Nino Santomarco - S. M. Laudani - Pitt. Mario Rossi - Giorn. G. Vitali - Dr. Glauco Zuan - Hon. G.P. Gobbo - Dr. G. Gentilin - Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi - Dr. Angelo Rocco Galati - News - Interviews: Italy RAI TV (Milan) - France RFT. RA. TV (Paris) - Switzerland Radio Switzerland (Switzerland) - Italy STUDIO TV TREVIGLIO (Treviglio) - Italy TV BERGAMO (Bergamo) - Italy SKY TV People (Turin) - Capital Federal Buenos Aires (Argentina) - Porto (Portugal). Techniques used: Charcoal - Chalk - Pencil - Colored pencils - Crayons - Oil pastels - Acrylic - Oil - Tempera - Enamel - China - China on 24 k gold leaf - Watercolor - Etchings - Mixed technique - Spray - Engraving - Sculpture - Gouache - Lithograph - woodcut - Dripping - Sculpture - Experimental techniques ... Condition: Please see the pictures and ask questions before bidding.Please check my other items.
Price: 900 USD
Location: Norman, Oklahoma
End Time: 2025-01-20T07:35:45.000Z
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Product Images
Item Specifics
All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Region of Origin: Italy
Artist: Villanova
Style: Impressionism
Item Height: 21 3/4
Material: Oil, Canvas
Time Period Produced: 1960-1969
Type: Painting
Culture: Toreodor
Item Length: 21 3/4
Original/Reproduction: Original
Listed By: Dealer or Reseller
Signed?: Signed
Date of Creation: 1950-1969