Description: Imaginative Prayer A Yearlong Guide for Your Child`s Spiritual Formation by Jared Patrick Boyd How do we help our kids connect with God and experience his presence? Jared Patrick Boyd has discovered that childrens spiritual formation is rooted in the imagination. This unique resource helps us guide our children through weekly sessions of imaginative prayer, providing a yearlong experience of spiritual formation. FORMAT Paperback LANGUAGE English CONDITION Brand New Publisher Description How do we help our kids connect with God?Most parents want their kids to learn to love God. But most of us struggle to facilitate real spiritual experiences. Its hard enough to have a meaningful conversation with our kids about spiritual things, let alone help them experience true transformation in the presence of God.Jared Patrick Boyd discovered that childrens spiritual formation is rooted in the imagination. When we lead our children through guided times of imaginative prayer, they can experience a connection with God that transcends mere Bible knowledge or doctrinal content. This unique resource provides six units of weekly guided imaginative prayer, themed around core topics: Gods love, loving others, forgiveness, God as king, the good news of God, and the mission of God. Each unit has six sessions, providing a yearlong experience of spiritual formation for children ages five to thirteen.Through imaginative prayer, you can help your child connect with God. As you do so, you may find yourself connecting more closely with your child, and your own formation as a parent will deepen into greater awareness of Gods work in your lives. Author Biography Jared Patrick Boyd is a pastor (Vineyard USA), spiritual director, and founder of the Order of Sustainable Faith, a missional monastic order for the twenty-first century. He is the author of Invitations Commitments: A Rule of Life. He and his wife have four daughters, and are planting Franklinton Abbey, a new faith community on the west side of Columbus, Ohio. Table of Contents Imaginative Prayer Creedal PoemIntroductionHow to Use This BookPart I: Gods Love1. God Loves So Many Things2. He Loves Me3. When I Am Lost, He Will Come Looking for Me4. When I Am Sick, He Wants to Heal Me5. When I Make Mistakes, He Will Always Have Grace on Me6. There Is Nothing That Can Separate Me from the Love of GodReview WeekPart II: Loving Others7. God Invites Us to Live a Life of Love8. Love Looks Like Being Patient and Kind and Not Making a List of Peoples Mistakes9. Love Looks Like Inviting People Who May Be Left Out10. Love Looks Like Taking Care of People When They Need Help11. We Love Others with the Love That God Pours into Us12. People Will Know That We Are Followers of Jesus Because of Our Love for Each OtherReview WeekPart III: Forgiveness13. Forgiveness Means We Can Have Peace with God 14. Forgiveness Means God Welcomes Anyone15. Forgiveness Means God Takes Away Our Sin16. Forgiveness Means We Can Forgive the Sins of Others17. When We Forgive, We Will Be Forgiven. When We Give, It Will Be Given unto Us18. Love and Forgiveness Make Room for ReconciliationReview WeekPart IV: Jesus Is the King19. Jesus Is the King Who Came to Undo the Power of Death20. Jesus Is the King Who Came to Defeat the Power of Sin21. Jesus Is the King Who Came to Defeat the Power of the Accuser22. Jesus Is a Faithful King, Even When We Dont Have Faith23. We Have Life with God Through the Faithfulness of Jesus the King24. God Became King Through Love and ForgivenessReview WeekPart V: The Good News of God25. God Made Us a Promise, and It Comes to Us Through Jesus26. The Good News of God Comes to Us Through the Words of Jesus27. The Good News of God Comes to Us Through the Life of Jesus28. The Good News of God Comes to Us Through the Death of Jesus29. The Good News of God Comes to Us Through the Resurrection of Jesus30. We Receive the Promises of God When We Choose to Follow JesusReview WeekPart XI: The Mission of God31. When We Choose to Follow Jesus, We Join the Mission of God to Bring His Love into the World32. The Mission of God Is to Make Everything in the World Good Again33. The Mission of God Is to Bring All Things Under the Reign of King Jesus34. The Mission of God Is to Bring Peace and Reconciliation to Everything35. The Mission of God Is to Take Away the Veil That Covers Up the Presence of God36. God Is at Work All Around Us: Open Your Eyes and Join God in His Mission to the WorldReview WeekEpilogueAcknowledgmentsNotesScripture Index Review "I loved this book! If only it had been around thirty years ago, when our family was exploring devotions! This book is an imaginative game, a devotional guide, and a theology text all rolled into one. It will nurture your own spiritual formation as much as your childs. The guided prayers that form the core of this book are well constructed, creative, and simply delightful. Boyd is not afraid to introduce difficult questions, but he helps me as a parent talk about them with my children. Imaginative Prayer develops essential skills of Christian spiritual formation—skills that are often neglected in the training of our children. I would recommend this book to parents, Christian education workers, and theology professors. We all need to imagine the gospel!" -- Evan B. Howard, author of Praying the Scriptures, A Guide to Christian Spiritual Formation, and The Brazos Introduction to Christian Spirituality, and coauthor of Discovering Lectio Divina"This is not a book for reading. Its a book for practicing. Jared Boyd graciously invites us to practice new ways of being present to God, ourselves, others, and creation, for and with the younger children (or childlike ones) in our lives. Not surprisingly, we are all transformed in the process. By gently making room and time for creative listening, imagination, and revelation of Gods very good news of lavish love, children young and old together come to know God by experiencing this love that surpasses knowledge. From his experience as a parent, a pastor, and a beloved child of God, Jared sets forth practical, prayerful, and playful rhythms to tend the spiritual gardens of our childrens lives. These habit-forming, love-shaping practices soften and seed the soil of their Christian imaginations, which the Holy Spirit tends, waters, and grows as he conforms them in love to the image of Jesus. Reminding us not to ask children (or anyone) to go where we are not willing to go ourselves, Jared vulnerably does the same, offering clear, creedal, formative structures with room for the dynamic relationship our children will have with God. Far from instilling knowledge about God into our children, Jared invites us to provide opportunities for our children to encounter and be transformed by Gods triune love, faithfully embodying that life together with them as children of our heavenly Father." -- Cherith Nordling, associate professor of theology, Northern Seminary"In the age of social media, so many of us struggle to be present to those closest to us and to God, who is an ever-abiding presence with us. Jared Boyds extraordinary book Imaginative Prayer introduces us to a way of learning to be present to those closest to us—our children—and together with them to learn to use our imaginations to become more attentive to Gods presence with us. Read this book slowly and carefully, and experiment with it: you, your family, and your church will undoubtedly be transformed!" -- C. Christopher Smith, founding editor, The Englewood Review of Books, coauthor of Slow Church"As a pastor, I have regularly taught that parents are the most important spiritual influencers in their childs life. But how do we parents do that job well? I would highly recommend Imaginative Prayer to anyone who wants to help their children know and experience God. Jared Boyd engages not only the life of the mind, but also the life of the imagination through each session. His exercises help transform large theological themes like Gods love, forgiveness, and the mission of God from the head to the heart, so that parents can be the spiritual influencers we want to be." -- Rich Nathan, senior pastor, Vineyard Columbus"In this book of depth and whimsy, Jared Boyd inspires the imagination with new ways of engaging children in the work of the Spirit. I will be using this book for years to come, not only with the ministry leaders I teach, but with my own children! Jareds book speaks to a deep need felt within the church and within the lives of parents to help our children learn new and creative ways to engage with what the Holy Spirit is doing in their lives and in the world today. The result is a book that is practical and reflective: a deep reflection on a way of approaching the inner spiritual life of children." -- Beth M. Stovell, assistant professor of Old Testament, Ambrose University, national catalyst, Vineyard Formation (Theological and Spiritual Formation), Vineyard Canada"As a spiritual director, I understand the importance of formational experiences with Jesus rather than knowledge about Jesus. As a mother, I have struggled to find language and resources to transcend my own awkward efforts to help my daughter know right things about God and instead establish a real, lived relationship with God. Jared Boyds work in Imaginative Prayer is a gift to my mothers heart and, I believe, a gift to the body of Christ as a whole. Our children arent just the future of the church, they are the church right now. Jareds rooted, Scriptural, and deeply relational guidance is the kind of resource families and congregations simply must pick up if we are to journey together into all that Jesus has for us in this fraught and fractious time. Jareds words are wise, strong, kind, and godly—just like Jesus when he said, the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these (Mt 19:14)." -- Tara M. Owens, president and spiritual director, Anam Cara Ministries, instructor, Benedictine Benet Pines Monastery, former senior editor, Conversations Journal"Jared Patrick Boyd invites parents to walk alongside their children into a fuller experience of who God is and his work in us and the world through the beautiful and powerful gift of imagination. These exercises forge a path toward knowing firsthand the love, forgiveness, faithfulness, invitation, good news, and remaking that are ours in Jesus. Be ready for a deep, transformative encounter with the divine, for both your child and yourself. We enthusiastically recommend this book!" -- Lisa and Mark Scandrette, authors of Belonging and Becoming and Free"We are shaped not primarily though information-gathering but through practices and experiences that work their way into us, forming our appetites and kindling our imaginations. Many of us want to invite our kids into the miracle of knowing God in prayer and through the Scriptures, but we often arent sure where to start. Imaginative Prayer is a great gift to parents (or godparents, aunts, uncles, and anyone who loves children) because it offers a guide for us grownups to engage our kids with the gospel holistically—not just their minds but also their hearts and imaginations. These prayer exercises are theologically rich yet elegant, even refreshing, in their simplicity. Here is an invitation to wonder, to surprise, to creative engagement with God. Walking through these practices with our kids was delightful and nourishing, not only for our kids but for us parents as well." -- Tish Harrison Warren, Anglican priest, author of Liturgy of the Ordinary"As the wise ancients have made clear, prayer is not part of life; it is life. But to pray—to live with God in the world as God lives and to be formed in the image of our older brother Jesus—necessarily requires the marshaling of our imagination. And it is our imagination that leads to the neuroplastic change—flexible alterations in our neuron firing patterns—to which St. Paul was referring when speaking of the renewal of our minds. With Imaginative Prayer, Jared Boyd has given us a treasure that reveals not only what children need to flourish in their spiritual formation but, even more, what we adults need—we who are woefully undernourished in the practice of truly, robustly imagining God living with us. If the deeper, more joyful, more resilient life is what you seek for your children (and for yourself), then look no further to find what perhaps has been just beyond your imagination but now expectantly awaits your discovery of it." -- Curt Thompson, author of The Soul of Shame and Anatomy of the Soul"While imaginative prayer is powerfully transformative for adults, we have to work through our culturally conditioned tendency to equate imagination with fantasy in order to engage in it. But Ive often wondered how much more powerful this sort of prayer would be if taught to children before they had learned to distrust their imaginations. Imaginative Prayer is the book Ive been waiting for! With clarity, spiritual insight, practical wisdom, and powerful examples, Jared Boyd walks us step by step through the process of helping children experience the love of God in tangible ways that will form their characters for the rest of their lives. Everyone who has the privilege of influencing the spiritual formation of children, from parents to Sunday school teachers, needs to read and utilize this invaluable book!" -- Greg Boyd, author of Seeing is Believing, coauthor of Escaping the Matrix"Jared Boyd has given Christian families a gift with this imaginative and practical guide to Bible study and prayer. While attending the same church as Jared, I saw firsthand the ways that his masterful storytelling and simple ideas for next steps excite children and adults alike with the message of Scripture, inspiring them to live out the story of the Bible in their own families." -- Ed Cyzewski, author of A Christian Survival Guide and Coffeehouse Theology"Jared Patrick Boyds Imaginative Prayer is really a gift for generations. It is a guide that was lived long before it was written. In the two years we have used the guide in our church, it has awakened young and old to new ways of letting God come close in prayer and of experiencing in deep and tangible ways being loved by God and becoming that love in the world around them. Warning: once your children and teachers have awakened their imagination in prayer, you may find heaven coming to earth." -- Sherri Harder, Vineyard Church, Des Moines"Imaginative Prayer opened up the Bible again for our kids and gave them an intimate and fresh experience of Gods love and activity in their lives. As the pastor of our kids ministry, I was able to recruit teachers just by sending them a sample of the curriculum. They would read through and respond immediately, asking to be put on for a seven-week block of teaching. It was amazing! And the children responded with encouraged faith and curiosity about God and his Word. This is the first material where I had a child ask me if she could have a copy of what we did in class to take home and read over on her own. Amazing and wonderful!" -- Debbie Fooskas, Blue Route Vineyard, Pennsylvania"Jared Boyds material is an invitation to explore the goodness of the kingdom of God through imaginative story. The heartbeat of Jesus love is masterfully threaded into every narrative—gently and powerfully growing in the hearts and minds of children as they interact with it. Appealing to both the young and the young at heart: parents, grandparents, and teachers, youll be surprised at your own experience! It is rich soil for spiritual formation and the fruit is abundant!" -- Becky Waugaman, Vineyard Church, Des Moines, Iowa"We are glad to hear about anyone who is able to make the connection between this spiritual practice and both spiritual direction and spiritual formation. This is the kind of nurturing that is necessary for the transformation and renewal of Christian families and communities. -- Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, Spirituality & Practice Long Description How do we help our kids connect with God?Most parents want their kids to learn to love God. But most of us struggle to facilitate real spiritual experiences. Its hard enough to have a meaningful conversation with our kids about spiritual things, let alone help them experience true transformation in the presence of God.Jared Patrick Boyd discovered that childrens spiritual formation is rooted in the imagination. When we lead our children through guided times of imaginative prayer, they can experience a connection with God that transcends mere Bible knowledge or doctrinal content. This unique resource provides six units of weekly guided imaginative prayer, themed around core topics: Gods love, loving others, forgiveness, God as king, the good news of God, and the mission of God. Each unit has six sessions, providing a yearlong experience of spiritual formation for children ages five to thirteen.Through imaginative prayer, you can help your child connect with God. As you do so, you may find yourself connecting more closely with your child, and your own formation as a parent will deepen into greater awareness of Gods work in your lives. Review Text "We are glad to hear about anyone who is able to make the connection between this spiritual practice and both spiritual direction and spiritual formation. This is the kind of nurturing that is necessary for the transformation and renewal of Christian families and communities. Review Quote "We are glad to hear about anyone who is able to make the connection between this spiritual practice and both spiritual direction and spiritual formation. This is the kind of nurturing that is necessary for the transformation and renewal of Christian families and communities. Details ISBN0830846255 Author Jared Patrick Boyd Year 2017 ISBN-10 0830846255 ISBN-13 9780830846252 Format Paperback Pages 304 Publication Date 2017-07-11 Short Title Imaginative Prayer Language English Subtitle A Yearlong Guide for Your Childs Spiritual Formation UK Release Date 2017-07-11 Place of Publication Illinois Country of Publication United States AU Release Date 2017-07-11 NZ Release Date 2017-07-11 US Release Date 2017-07-11 Publisher InterVarsity Press Imprint Inter-Varsity Press,US DEWEY 248.845 Audience Professional & Vocational We've got this At The Nile, if you're looking for it, we've got it. With fast shipping, low prices, friendly service and well over a million items - you're bound to find what you want, at a price you'll love! TheNile_Item_ID:129542147;
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Format: Paperback
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ISBN-13: 9780830846252
Author: Jared Patrick Boyd
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Book Title: Imaginative Prayer A Yearlong Guide for Your Child`s Spiritual F
ISBN: 9780830846252