Description: Quality Electronic Components Shipped from New Jersey Use the links below to quickly jump to relevant sections of this listing.Product DescriptionCounterfeit Part FAQsStore PoliciesTry SHIFT-CLICK if the LINKS and VIDEOS in this listing do not work. Fast Shipping from New Jersey - Most orders arrive in 2-4 days Shipments from overseas competitors may take a month or longer to arrive! Shipping PromotionOnly pay to ship the first item - all other items in your PremierChoiceComponents shopping cart ship free! ------------------------------------------------------ Major USA DistributorMore than 5000 Postitive FeedbacksSame-Day ShippingFirst Class Domestic Mail DeliveryAwarded Counterfeit Part Detection Leaders'ALL PARTS SOLD BY PREMIERCHOICECOMPONENTS ARE CERTIFIED AUTHENTIC IN ACCORDANCE WITH IDEA-STD-1010 BY IDEA-ICE-3000 CERTIFIED INSPECTORS. OUR FACILITY AND INSPECTORS AND AUDITED BY A THIRD PARTY RECOGNIZED BY THE IDEA, ISO, AND ESD ASSOCIATION EVERY YEAR.Product DescriptionThese parts are NEW and still in the Manufacturer's original packaging. This listing is for 15 pieces of US Conec Limited part number 5306. The price is $69.70 for all 15 pieces (That's just $4.65 each). PURCHASE AS MANY PARTS FROM US AS YOU LIKE AND PAY ONLY $5 FOR SHIPPING!This item qualifies for our $5 shipping promotion. Purchase as many of this item or ANY retail item sold by PremierChoiceComponents without paying additional shipping fees. Simply add items you would like to purchase to your shopping cart then check out. When you checkout you will only be charged $5 regardless how many qualified items you purchase! Free shipping promotions offered by other suppliers penalize buyers who purchase more than one item as hidden shipping charges are included in the price paid. Our shipping promotion allows you to buy as many items as they like without ever paying more than $5 for shipping. Visit our store to find an extensive selection of other Electronic Components that offer this promotion. Click the FOLLOW THIS SELLER link if you would like to receive special promotions and discount coupons good for future purchases. 5306 US CONEC US CONEC Electronic Component Mfg: US Conec Limited PN: 5306 Generic Part Number: 5306 Base Part Number: 5306 Find it in our Ebay Store Description: US Conec Other Names for 5306: 5306 Common Mispellings for 5306: 53O6 S306 Parts that are similar to 5306: 05306 5306 5306009 5306-009 530601 5306-01 5306132 5306C SL199 5306CBLACKBULK 5306C-BLACK-BULK 5306CSL199 5306H1 5306H7LC 5306LARGE 5306-LARGE 5306M 5306UEGRY500 5306UE-GRY-500 AD5306ARU AD5306ARUZ AD5306ARUZREEL7 AD5306ARUZ-REEL7 AD5306BRU AD5306BRUREEL AD5306BRU-REEL AD5306BRUREEL7 AD5306BRU-REEL7 AD5306BRUZ AD5306BRUZREEL AD5306BRUZ-REEL AD5306BRUZREEL7 AD5306BRUZ-REEL7 ADL5306ACP ADL5306ACPR2 ADL5306ACP-R2 ADL5306ACPREEL7 ADL5306ACP-REEL7 ADL5306ACPWP ADL5306ACP-WP ADL5306ACPZR2 ADL5306ACPZ-R2 ADL5306ACPZREEL7 ADL5306ACPZ-REEL7 AS5306AATSU AS5306A-ATSU AS5306BATSU AS5306B-ATSU AS5306-DK-1.0 AS5306DK10 BC5306 BC-5306 C5306 CI5306 EL5306IS EL5306IU EL5306IUZ HMC5306LP4E IRFH5306TR IRFH5306TRPBF M5306SLATE100 M5306-SLATE-100 MAX5306EUE MAX5306EUE+ MIC5306-1.5YD5 TR MIC5306-1.5YD5-TR MIC5306-1.8YD5 TR MIC5306-1.8YD5-TR MIC530615YD5TR MIC530618YD5TR MIC5306-2.5YD5 MIC5306-2.5YD5 TR MIC5306-2.5YD5-TR MIC5306-2.6YD5 TR MIC5306-2.6YD5-TR MIC5306-2.8YD5 TR MIC5306-2.8YD5-TR MIC530625YD5 MIC530625YD5TR MIC530626YD5TR MIC530628YD5TR MIC5306-3.0YD5 TR MIC5306-3.0YD5-TR MIC5306-3.1YD5 TR MIC5306-3.1YD5-TR MIC530630YD5TR MIC530631YD5TR NCP5306DW NCP5306DWR2 NTE5306 SJ-5306-CLEAR-3000/CASE SJ5306CLEAR3000CASE SJ5306TRANS Similar Part Mispellings: 0S306 53060L 5306-0L 53061ARGE 5306-1ARGE 5306C 5L199 5306C S1199 5306C SLL99 5306C5L199 5306C8LACK8ULK 5306C-8LACK-8ULK 5306CB1ACKBU1K 5306C-B1ACK-BU1K 5306CS1199 5306CSLL99 5306H71C 5306HL 5306L32 53O6 53O6132 53O6C SL199 53O6CBLACKBULK 53O6C-BLACK-BULK 53O6CSL199 53O6H1 53O6H7LC 53O6LARGE 53O6-LARGE 53O6M 53O6O1 53O6-O1 53O6OO9 53O6-OO9 53O6UEGRY5OO 53O6UE-GRY-5OO 5J-5306-CLEAR-3000/CA5E 5J5306CLEAR3000CA5E 5J5306TRAN5 8C5306 8C-5306 A55306AAT5U A55306A-AT5U A55306BAT5U A55306B-AT5U A55306-DK-1.0 A55306DK10 AD15306ACP AD15306ACPR2 AD15306ACP-R2 AD15306ACPREE17 AD15306ACP-REE17 AD15306ACPWP AD15306ACP-WP AD15306ACPZR2 AD15306ACPZ-R2 AD15306ACPZREE17 AD15306ACPZ-REE17 AD53068RU AD53068RUREEL AD53068RU-REEL AD53068RUREEL7 AD53068RU-REEL7 AD53068RUZ AD53068RUZREEL AD53068RUZ-REEL AD53068RUZREEL7 AD53068RUZ-REEL7 AD5306ARUZREE17 AD5306ARUZ-REE17 AD5306BRUREE1 AD5306BRU-REE1 AD5306BRUREE17 AD5306BRU-REE17 AD5306BRUZREE1 AD5306BRUZ-REE1 AD5306BRUZREE17 AD5306BRUZ-REE17 AD53O6ARU AD53O6ARUZ AD53O6ARUZREEL7 AD53O6ARUZ-REEL7 AD53O6BRU AD53O6BRUREEL AD53O6BRU-REEL AD53O6BRUREEL7 AD53O6BRU-REEL7 AD53O6BRUZ AD53O6BRUZREEL AD53O6BRUZ-REEL AD53O6BRUZREEL7 AD53O6BRUZ-REEL7 ADL53O6ACP ADL53O6ACPR2 ADL53O6ACP-R2 ADL53O6ACPREEL7 ADL53O6ACP-REEL7 ADL53O6ACPWP ADL53O6ACP-WP ADL53O6ACPZR2 ADL53O6ACPZ-R2 ADL53O6ACPZREEL7 ADL53O6ACPZ-REEL7 ADLS306ACP ADLS306ACPR2 ADLS306ACP-R2 ADLS306ACPREEL7 ADLS306ACP-REEL7 ADLS306ACPWP ADLS306ACP-WP ADLS306ACPZR2 ADLS306ACPZ-R2 ADLS306ACPZREEL7 ADLS306ACPZ-REEL7 ADS306ARU ADS306ARUZ ADS306ARUZREEL7 ADS306ARUZ-REEL7 ADS306BRU ADS306BRUREEL ADS306BRU-REEL ADS306BRUREEL7 ADS306BRU-REEL7 ADS306BRUZ ADS306BRUZREEL ADS306BRUZ-REEL ADS306BRUZREEL7 ADS306BRUZ-REEL7 AS53068ATSU AS53068-ATSU AS5306-DK-L.0 AS5306DKL0 AS53O6AATSU AS53O6A-ATSU AS53O6BATSU AS53O6B-ATSU AS53O6-DK-1.O AS53O6DK1O ASS306AATSU ASS306A-ATSU ASS306BATSU ASS306B-ATSU ASS306-DK-1.0 ASS306DK10 BC53O6 BC-53O6 BCS306 BC-S306 C53O6 CI53O6 CIS306 CS306 E15306IS E15306IU E15306IUZ EL5306I5 EL53O6IS EL53O6IU EL53O6IUZ ELS306IS ELS306IU ELS306IUZ HMC53061P4E HMC53O6LP4E HMCS306LP4E IRFH5306TRP8F IRFH53O6TR IRFH53O6TRPBF IRFHS306TR IRFHS306TRPBF M53065LATE100 M5306-5LATE-100 M5306S1ATE100 M5306-S1ATE-100 M5306SLATEL00 M5306-SLATE-L00 M53O6SLATE1OO M53O6-SLATE-1OO MAX53O6EUE MAX53O6EUE+ MAXS306EUE MAXS306EUE+ MIC5306-1.BYD5 TR MIC5306-1.BYD5-TR MIC53061BYD5TR MIC5306-2.BYD5 TR MIC5306-2.BYD5-TR MIC53062BYD5TR MIC5306-3.LYD5 TR MIC5306-3.LYD5-TR MIC53063LYD5TR MIC5306-L.5YD5 TR MIC5306-L.5YD5-TR MIC5306-L.8YD5 TR MIC5306-L.8YD5-TR MIC5306L5YD5TR MIC5306L8YD5TR MIC53O6-1.5YD5 TR MIC53O6-1.5YD5-TR MIC53O6-1.8YD5 TR MIC53O6-1.8YD5-TR MIC53O615YD5TR MIC53O618YD5TR MIC53O6-2.5YD5 MIC53O6-2.5YD5 TR MIC53O6-2.5YD5-TR MIC53O6-2.6YD5 TR MIC53O6-2.6YD5-TR MIC53O6-2.8YD5 TR MIC53O6-2.8YD5-TR MIC53O625YD5 MIC53O625YD5TR MIC53O626YD5TR MIC53O628YD5TR MIC53O6-3.1YD5 TR MIC53O6-3.1YD5-TR MIC53O6-3.OYD5 TR MIC53O6-3.OYD5-TR MIC53O631YD5TR MIC53O63OYD5TR MICS306-1.8YDS TR MICS306-1.8YDS-TR MICS306-1.SYDS TR MICS306-1.SYDS-TR MICS30618YDSTR MICS3061SYDSTR MICS306-2.6YDS TR MICS306-2.6YDS-TR MICS306-2.8YDS TR MICS306-2.8YDS-TR MICS306-2.SYDS MICS306-2.SYDS TR MICS306-2.SYDS-TR MICS30626YDSTR MICS30628YDSTR MICS3062SYDS MICS3062SYDSTR MICS306-3.0YDS TR MICS306-3.0YDS-TR MICS306-3.1YDS TR MICS306-3.1YDS-TR MICS30630YDSTR MICS30631YDSTR MS306SLATE100 MS306-SLATE-100 NCP53O6DW NCP53O6DWR2 NCPS306DW NCPS306DWR2 NTE53O6 NTES306 O53O6 S306 S306009 S306-009 S30601 S306-01 S306132 S306C SL199 S306CBLACKBULK S306C-BLACK-BULK S306CSL199 S306H1 S306H7LC S306LARGE S306-LARGE S306M S306UEGRYS00 S306UE-GRY-S00 SJ-5306-C1EAR-3000/CASE SJ5306C1EAR3000CASE SJ-53O6-CLEAR-3OOO/CASE SJ53O6CLEAR3OOOCASE SJ53O6TRANS SJ-S306-CLEAR-3000/CASE SJS306CLEAR3000CASE SJS306TRANS Common terms used to search for 5306: 1% 3V RF IC POS QTY 8CH LDO 15A BLK CLR DIA DAC 30V 4-CH ROHS SIZE CASE 2.8V 16UA 8.76 CORE 60MV 24MM 0.1A GAIN RING 3.6W 88MM BLACK 0.15A CABLE 9.5MM 150MA INNER 5-PIN CLEAR FIXED 0.375 GLAND 28.50 8-BIT 1.5IN STYLE TSSOP CYLIN 16-PIN 50PACK BUMPER 350MHZ 125OHM 100MHZ 17.5MM ENABLE LENGTH PDSO24 HEXFET 12-BIT 17..50 28.5MM THREAD TSOT-23 16TSSOP SEALING FERRITE CURRENT PQFN5X6 TUBULAR 1000KHZ VOLTAGE FREQ-MAX POSITIVE DIAMETER EXTERNAL N-MOSFET PRODUCTS UNIPOLAR FITTINGS M-20X1.5 MOUNTING POLYAMIDE SWITCHING COMPLIANT IMPEDANCE 4-CHANNEL REGULATOR AVAILABLE CONVERTER 8 CHANNEL TRANSISTOR SANTOPRENE AMPLIFIERS REGULATORS CONTROLLER PROTECTIVE LOW DROPOUT CYLINDRICAL VOLTAGE-MODE MISCELLANEOUS RESISTOR-STRING POWER MANAGEMENT VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER (DAC) PCC PartID: 0136-001818 This listing was generated by a computer robot named ELA. ELA allows us to generate tens of thousands of listings per hour but is is not nearly as smart as our customers. If a listed price is too high please make an offer. Refer to the PRICING section of our STORE POLICIES for more info. International Buyers. Please be sure to read the International Shipping section of our Store Policies.Photos are of the actual inventory from which this lot is sourced. When you purchase this item you receive 15 pieces of the inventory shown. Attention OEMs, CMs, EMS Providers, and others with new surplus electronic components. We purchase excess inventory. Contact our office at 732-793-6030 and ask to speak with our Asset Recovery Manager.Videos to Watch Before you Buy on the Internet The Flood of Counterfeit Electronic Components Has Been Traced to ChinaFifty-nine million Americans trusted Senator John McCain and voted for him as President. Would you believe HIM if he says you can't trust parts sold on the Internet from companies in China? ------------------------------------------------------How to Avoid Counterfeit Parts when Purchasing on the InternetYou wouldn't download an email attachment from someone you don't know, so why would you buy electronic components from an uncertified supplier? Electronic components can be safely purchased on the Internet. Here's How! ------------------------------------------------------PremierChoiceComponents: A Supplier the Industry TrustsPC Components Company is a US stocking distributor with a BILLION electronic components in its stock and 30-years experience, with 3000+ AVL qualifications in 65 countries. PremierChoiceComponents is its Retail Division. ------------------------------------------------------Partner with PCC to Sell Your Excess InventoryIf you have excess inventory to sell, Partner with PCC. We have the experience, certifications, and reputation that buyers expect. Let us do the work while you sit back, relax, and deposit the checks that arrive in the mail. ------------------------------------------------------ We receive questions about counterfeit electronic components regularly. To help provide you with the safest customer experience possible we have included answers to the most frequently asked questions below. Counterfeit Part FAQs Does it really matter if I buy a counterfeit part? All I need is a resistor.How widespread is the problem and is it ever safe to purchase electronic components online?Which electronic components do Counterfeiters target?Where do counterfeits come from?Do companies really MAKE fake parts? What about ICs that require sophisticated fabrication equipment and proprietary processes? Are they counterfeited too?We use are extremely sophisticated parts that have a proprietary processes. Are they counterfeited too?Does it really matter if I buy a counterfeit part? All I need is a resistor. Definitely Yes. Especially if the value, tolerance, or temperature coefficient matters. Counterfeit parts often do not meet the same specifications as authentic parts. Sometimes they are different parts or technologies altogether. You may purchase a 10K 1% thin film resistor and receive thick film part, or even a different value.How widespread is the problem and is it ever safe to purchase electronic components online? Buying electronic components online today is a lot like downloading software on the Internet. If you are know your source of supply, and your supplier is reputable you are probably safe, as long as your supplier has the knowledge, experience, and tools to detect counterfeit electronic components if his supplier ships them to him. But remember, much like downloading software, even safe suppliers can pass along problems if they do not have processes in place to safeguard your interest.Which electronic components do Counterfeiters target? Almost every component you can think of. Simple devices including capacitors, resistors, inductors, transistors, diodes, and some ICs are very easy to Counterfeit. More complex or proprietary parts are salvaged from heaps of eScrap and then sold as new. Microprocessors, memory, and programmable logic are frequently counterfeited.Where do counterfeits come from? Most counterfeit components come from regions of the worlds where anti-counterfeit laws do not exist or are not enforced by the authorities. The overwhelming majority of counterfeits come from China where counterfeiting has become a cottage industry. Small companies can make a fortune selling refurbishing parts from eScrap that masquerade as new parts. NEVER purchase parts that come from China. See Why.Do companies really MAKE fake parts? Offshore companies have manufactured GENERIC devices for years. Many people and businesses refuse to use these GENERIC parts because the failure and non-conformance rate is too high. They want the quality, reliability, and process control provided by major manufacturers. Counterfeiters have learned that they can make a huge profit from buying parts from these low-quality manufacturers and then re-mark them with the part numbers and logos of major manufacturers.What about ICs that require sophisticated fabrication equipment and proprietary processes? Are they counterfeited too? Absolutely. Many of these counterfeits are actually refurbished parts from eScrap. While there is nothing wrong with refurbishing electronic components, they must be represented as used and refurbished when sold, and can never be remarked to mislead unsuspecting customers. There are many reasons why you should not purchase and use refurbished parts, even if they do look new.We use are extremely sophisticated parts that have a proprietary processes. Are they counterfeited too? Absolutely, but these parts are usually salvaged from scrap boards. The components are removed, cleaned up, painted, and then remarked with date and lot codes that are consistent. These parts are also referred to Counterfeit because remarking violates the IP holder's trademark.------------------------------------------------------STORE POLICIESSTORE HOURS We are open normal business days and hours and are closed holidays and weekends. If you ask a question while we are closed, it may be necessary to wait for the business to reopen. If you receive a response to a question after hours and reply to the response, please do not be offended if you do not hear back until the next business day. When this happens after hours, it means someone checked his or her email from home, and may not check email again until returning to work the next business day. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM Please contact us FIRST to resolve any problems. Your total satisfaction is our goal. FEEDBACK Positive Feedback is an important part of doing business through eCommerce sites and we appreciate any positive feedback that our buyers provide. Please contact us first to resolve any problems you have with your purchase. We will respond during regular business hours. INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING We are happy to ship internationally in compliance with US Department of Commerce regulations. We charge a flat rate of $15 for international shipping with a steeply discounted additional item charge. To qualify for the international shipping rate all items(s) must weigh 1 pound or less and fit inside a 5x10 bubble mailer. If you purchase an item with is too large or heavy for flat-rate shipping we will contact you with shipping options. Shipping rates are determined by a computer which may not know the size or weight of the item. Contact us before ordering if the charges seem escessively high. Our listing computers cannot tell whether the item is too big or too heavy for flat-rate shipping. You will be a better judge. To use our International Shipping option simply select the shipping tab of the listing and select your country. PAYMENT POLICY PayPal Only Please pay for items purchased immediately to receive positive feedback. SHIPPING DISCOUNTS Shipping discounts are automatically applied when you order multiple lots or multiple items from PremierChoiceComponents. All you need to do is add items to your shopping cart and the discounts will automatically be calculated. These discounts are offered for most items in our inventory. Be sure to FOLLOW US to receive special discounts, promotions, and offers. SHIPPING TIME Most orders shipped are within 24 hours of receipt (closed holidays and weekends). Upon shipment of your order we will upload a tracking number so you may contact the shipping carrier if your order is delayed due to customs, weather, strikes, or any other reason. Please contact the carrier for assistance if we provide you with a tracking number and your order is delayed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEE We guarantee that you will be satisfied with all parts purchased from PremierChoiceComponents. If you are not satisfied, notify us in writing within 14 days and request a Return Authorization number. All sales are final after 14-days, except in the case of non-conformance. Customers are responsible for the shipping cost to return items, except of course when we make a mistake. Customers are responsible for the shipping cost to return items, except of course when we make a mistake. PRICING The listing you are viewing and the pricing has been created by a computer. While this allows us to list tens of thousands of items, computers will occassionallly make mistakes. If a price you see seems too high please use the MAKE OFFER option. A human will research our pricing and may accept or counter your offer. If our computers make an error and a price is too low please let us know. If you purchase a part listed with a pricing error we reserve the right to decline the sale and will promptly refund your money. Our goal is to price each product below retail prices from other reputable domestic suppliers. We are reasonable and fair. DISCOUNT COUPONS, PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNTS, AND EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS Repeat customers may receive discount coupons and promotions which are not offered to new buyers. To receive these discount coupons and promotions use the FOLLOW US option of the Ebay listing. Customers who have placed orders with PremierChoiceComponents will be programatically added to our email list and may automatically receive discount coupons, sales promotions, and other information via email. If you do not wish to receive these offers and notifications simply click the unsubscibe link of any email you receive and you will not receive future emails regardless of new purchases. Domestic customers who would like to be added to our email list can send a text message to '22828'. You will immediately be sent instructions and will be added to our list. NON-CONFORMANCE GUARANTEE Any product that is determined to be defective, or in any other way does not conform to the manufacturer's datasheet, may be returned after notifying us in writing during the first 30-days and receiving a Return Authorization Number. Product with defects that would be reasonable to go unnoticed for a longer period of time may be returned during a reasonable period of time that is not greater than one year. In such case, we will refund the price you paid, or to replace the product, at our option.STATIC SAFE HANDLING and ESD CONTROL We handle your parts in using proper ESD safe techniques and materials to protect them from damage that can cause premature failure. We are certified to ANSI/ESD S20.20. This means a third party inspector visits our facility every year to audit our operation. You can buy with confidence.CERTIFICATIONS and TRADE MEMBERSHIPS ISO 9000:2008 ANSI ESD S20.20 Inspectors Certified to IDEA-ICE-3000 Professional Inspector Certification Independent Distributors of Electronics Association (IDEA) Membership Electronic Resellers Association International (ERAI) Membership INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE One BILLION parts in Stock 30+ Years in Business 3000+ AVL Qualifications 65+ CountriesFEEDBACK High feedback ratings are important to every auction seller, and we are no exception. If we have met or exceeded your expectations a great way to thank us is to give us positive feedback. If we are not satisfied with our service or any product purchased please let us know, as your satisfaction is our primary objective. DISCLAIMER: THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS LISTING IS PROGRAMICALLY GENERATED FROM OUR COMPONENT DATABASE. WE ALWAYS TRY TO PROVIDE AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE ABOUT EACH LISTING AND TO MAKE EVERY ATTEMPT TO INSURE 100% ACCURACY. DUE TO THE NATURE OF AUTOMATIC LISTING GENERATION OCCASSIONAL ERRORS MAY OCCUR. IN THE EVENT OF AN ERROR OUR SOLE REMEDY WILL BE TO REFUND THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID IF YOU ARE NOT COMPLETELY SATISFIED. PLEASE USE THE CONTACT BUYER OPTION PRIOR TO BIDDING ANY TIME YOU WOULD LIKE US TO VERIFY A COUNT. THANK YOU. This listing was generated by ELA a module of the DistiMaster (TM) v608.96 Software Suite ELA is the ECommerce Listing Assistant module of DistiMaster For information on how DistiMaster can help sell your inventory contact PC Components CompanyDistiMaster is a Trademark of PC Components Company Copyright © 2000-2021 PC Components Company All Rights ReservedHistory Full Qty: 250 Q:1 LQP:3.68 LQV:$55.20 S: () ASP: ASV: Historical Franchise BEST-BEST Same Number (5306)
Price: 69.7 USD
Location: Seaside Park, New Jersey
End Time: 2024-01-07T18:47:49.000Z
Shipping Cost: 5 USD
Product Images
Item Specifics
Restocking Fee: No
Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer
All returns accepted: Returns Accepted
Item must be returned within: 30 Days
Refund will be given as: Money Back
Brand: US Conec Limited
MPN: 5306
GenericNumber: 5306
BaseNumber: 5306
Keywords: Electronic Component