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1917 History & Genealogy of BATH County Virginia VA

Description: What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s. This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Bath County and its people. This is a scanned copy on CD of the original book published in 1917. Annals of Bath County, Virginia By Oren F. Morton The McClure Company., Inc Staunton, Virginia 1917 208 pages on 1 CD An essential resource for Genealogists Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are lighter in contrast due to age of the text. This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * TABLE OF CONTENTS Map. Bath County, Virginia Chapter I. Geography of Bath Chapter II. Discovery and settlement Chapter III. The Lewis land grant Chapter IV. Areas of settlement Chapter V. The mineral springs Chapter VI. Early political history Chapter VII. Roads and road builders Chapter VIII. Life in pioneer days Chapter IX. Ten years of Indian war Chapter X. The Point Pleasant campaign Chapter XI. Bath during the Revolution Chapter XII. Selim the Algerine Chapter XIII. Efforts toward a new county Chapter XIV. Organization of Bath Chapter XV. The Surnames of Bath Chapter XVI. A list of early marriages Chapter XVII. Seventy years of Bath history Chapter XVIII. Bath in the War of 1861 Chapter XIX. The Bath Squadron Chapter XX. Roster of Confederate soldiers Chapter XXI. Cloverdale Chapter XXII. The Calfpasture Valley Chapter XXIII. The Bath of today Chapter XXIV. Alleghany County Chapter XXV. The families of greater Bath General Index Surnames Listed Abercrombie, Abercromby, Abner, Acklin, Acord, Adair, Adam, Adams, Agnew, Aikman, Ailshe, Ailstock, Alderman, Alexander, Alford, Allen, Alley, Alphin, Anderson, Andrew, Antrim, Arbuckle, Arbuckles, Archie, Aritt, Armstrong, Arnold, Arritt, Arskin, Ashby, Averill, Avis, Ayers, Bailey, Bailor, Baldwin, Barbery, Barker, Barkley, Barkly, Barksdale, Barley, Barnet, Barnett, Barratt, Bartley, Barton, Bates, Baty, Baxter, Baxters, Beans, Beard, Beathe, Beaty, Beckner, Bell, Bennett, Benson, Benston, Bently, Berry, Bess, Bethel, Betty, Beverly, Bevins, Bias, Bird, Bishop, Black, Blackburn, Blacke, Blaik, Blair, Blake, Blakeman, Blakey, Blankenship, Blanton, Bleak, Bodkin, Bogan, Bogges, Boggess, Boggs, Boleyn, Bollar, Boller, Bolton, Bonds, Bonner, Bonnet, Boone, Booth, Borden, Boreland, Boswell, Botetourt, Botkin, Boude, Bouquet, Bourland, Bowers, Bowman, Bowyer, Boyer, Boyles, Brackenridge, Braddock, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bragg, Branscome, Bratton, Brattons, Breadford, Brennemer, Bridge, Bridger, Bright, Brill, Brindly, Brinkley, Brock, Brockway, Brooke, Brooks, Brown, Bryan, Buchanan, Buck, Buckly, Buddy, Bulger, Bullitt, Bullitts, Bumgardner, Burger, Burk, Burner, Burnett, Burns, Burnside, Burnsides, Bussard, Butler, Byers, Byrd, Byrnes, Byrnsides, Cackley, Cairns, Calaghan, Callaghan, Callahan, Caller, Callison, Cameron, Campbell, Campbells, Campble, Canthorn, Carlil, Carlile, Carliles, Carlisle, Carlock, Carpenter, Carpenters, Carrigan, Carroll, Carson, Carter, Cartmill, Caruthers, Casebolt, Cash, Cashader, Cashady, Cauley, Chambers, Chandler, Chaplin, Chapman, Chesnut, Chestnut, Christian, Christopher, Clark, Clarke, Clarks, Clear, Cleek, Clement, Clements, Clendening, Clendennin, Clendennins, Clifton, Cobb, Coberly, Cochran, Coffey, Cole, Collins, Connelly, Connor, Cook, Coole, Cooper, Corbett, Corder, Cornstalk, Cornwallis, Corrigan, Cosby, Cottle, Cotton, Coursey, Covington, Cowarden, Cowardin, Cowarding, Cowardson, Coyner, Craig, Craighead, Crane, Crawford, Crawfords, Criser, Crockett, Crook, Crow, Crummett, Crump, Crutchfield, Curry, Curtis, Cutlip, Daggs, Daggy, Damron, Danellor, Dangerfield, Daniel, Darnell, Daugherty, Daughherty, Davenny, Davenport, David, Davidson, Davis, Davitt, Day, De La Matonye, De la Montony, Dean, Deaner, Deckert, Deeds, Deene, Deever, Delany, Dempsey, Dennis, Dennison, Depew, Derry, Devericks, Dickenson, Dickey, Dickinson, Dill, Dilley, Dilly, Dineen, Dinwiddie, Dinwoody, Divet, Dixon, Dizard, Doak, Docherty, Dodridge, Doherty, Donaho, Donally, Donoly, Donovan, Dougherty, Douglas, Douglass, Dowden, Doyle, Doylton, Drenon, Dressier, Dressler, Drinen, Driscoll, Dubois, Dudley, Duffell, Duffie, Duffield, Duncan, Dunlap, Dunlaps, Dunmore, Dunn, Dunwodie, Durham, Eagle, Eakle, Ebert, Edde, Eddy, Edenton, Edmanson, Edmondson, Edwards, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Elstock, Erskine, Ervin, Ervine, Erwin, Eskins, Estell, Estes, Estill, Evans, Evins, Ewin, Ewing, Faircloth, Faught, Fauntleroy, Feamster, Feemster, Ferguson, Fertig, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Flack, Fleishman, Fleming, Fletcher, Fliegan, Fogle, Forbes, Ford, Foster, Fountaine, Foutz, Fox, Frame, Francis, Francisco, Frasier, Frazier, Fry, Fudge, Fulks, Fuller, Fulton, Fultz, Gabbart, Galaspy, Galford, Galloway, Gannt, Gardner, Garing, Garland, Garnett, Garrison, Gate, Gates, Gatewood, Gattes, Gay, Gays, Gellispie, George, Getty, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilham, Gillespie, Gillett, Gilliam, Gilliland, Gillispie, Gillock, Ginger, Given, Givens, Gladwell, Glendy, Godard, Goode, Gordon, Gore, Gorman, Grady, Graham, Grahams, Grattan, Graves, Graybeal, Greaver, Green, Greene, Greenlee, Gregory, Gregorys, Griffen, Griffeth, Griffin, Griffith, Grinsted, Grose, Gross, Grove, Groves, Grymes, Guliam, Gum, Gunton, Guy, Gween, Gwin, Haddon, Hahn, Haines, Hall, Halterman, Ham, Hamilton, Hamiltons, Hammack, Hanceford, Hand, Handley, Handly, Hanley, Hansbarger, Harden, Hardin, Harnsbarger, Harouff, Harper, Harpers, Harpole, Harris, Harrison, Harruff, Harry, Hartman, Harvie, Hawkins, Haynes, Hayslett, Heffner, Hefner, Helminstoller, Helms, Hempenstall, Hempstall, Hencher, Henderson, Henry, Hepler, Herbert, Herman, Hestent, Heth, Hevener, Hicklin, Hickman, Hicks, Higgens, Hill, Hillman, Hiner, Hinkle, Hite, Hively, Hodge, Hogarth, Hoge, Holcomb, Holland, Holloway, Holm, Holman, Holmes, Honce, Hook, Hoover, Hopkins, Hornberger, Hosaw, Houston, Hubbard, Hugart, Hughart, Hughes, Hull, Hume, Humphrey, Hunt, Hunter, Husk, Hutcheson, Hutchinson, Huzer, Hynes, Imboden, Ingram, Insminger, Irick, Irvin, Irwin, Jack, Jackson, Jacksons, Jameson, Jamesons, Jarvis, Jefferson, Jeffrey, Jemysons, Jevons, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Justice, Karnes, Karr, Kay, Kayton, Keatz, Keckley, Keiffer, Keizer, Keller, Kelley, Kellison, Kelly, Kellys, Kelso, Kender, Kenison, Kenney, Kenny, Kephart, Keyser, Kilpatrick, Kimberland, Kimberlane, Kimberlin, Kime, Kincade, Kincaid, Kincaids, Kindell, King, Kinging, Kinkade, Kinkaid, Kinkaide, Kinkead, Kinkeads, Kirby, Kirk, Kirkpatrick, Kirpatrick, Knap, Knight, Knittel, Knox, Knoxes, Kuhn, Kuykendall, La Rue, Lafayette, Lafferty, Laforde, Lair, Lamb, Landes, Lange, Lapsley, Largent, LaRue, Laverty, Law, Lawrence, Layman, Layne, Layton, Leach, Lee, Lemon, Leonard, Levi, Lewis, Lewises, Leytch, Lightner, Lilley, Linager, Linch, Lindsay, Lingnecker, Lininger, Linkswiler, Liptrap, Little, Littlepage, Loan, Lockhart, Lockridge, Lockridges, Logue, Lomax, Long, Lonsdale, Loughridge, Loving, Lowe, Lower, Lowman, Lowney, Lowry, Lunsford, Lyle, Lynch, Lynn, Lyons, Macdonley, Mackey, Madison, Malcom, Mallow, Mallows, Maloy, Manasse, Mann, Manns, Marlin, Marshall, Martin, Marton, Mason, Massie, Massingbird, Mateers, Matheny, Mathews, Mattinearly, May, Mayhall, Mays, Mayse, Maze, McAllister, McAlvery, McAvoy, McCalister, McCallister, McCampbell, McCandless, McCanles, McCartney, McCarty, McCashlin, McCaslin, McCausland, McCay, McCays, McChesney, McClain, McCland, McClellan, McClenachan, McClenahan, McClentic, McClintic, McClintick, McClintoch, McClintock, McClung, McClungs, McColgan, McCollom, McCollum, McConnell, McCorkle, McCormick, McCoslin, McCourt, McCout, McCoy, McCray, McCreary, McCree, McCreery, McCreerys, McCroskey, McCune, McCutchen, McCutchens, McDannald, McDannell, McDonald, McDuff, McElwee, McElyee, McFadden, McFarland, Mcfarlen, McFarlin, McGart, McGlaughlin, McGowan, McGraw, McGuffin, McGummery, McIlvaine, McIlwain, McKay, McKenny, McKittrick, McLaughlin, McMansmay, McMath, McMullen, McMullin, McMurray, McNeil, McNight, McRobert, McSherry, McWhorter, McWilliams, Means, Mede, Meek, Meigs, Meteer, Miles, Milholland, Milhollen, Milican, Miller, Milligan, Millroy, Mines, Mitchel, Mitchell, Moffett, Mongomery, Monroe, Montague, Montgomery, Moody, Moor, Moore, Moorehead, Moorhead, Morgan, Morgans, Morison, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Morton, Moses, Mounts, Mourning, Muldrock, Muldrough, Mullinix, Munroe, Murray, Musson, Mustoe, Nail, Nales, Names, Nance, Nants, Nee, Neff, Nelson, Newcomer, Newman, Newton, Nicholas, Nickell, Nighswinger, Noffsinger, Northern, Norton, Notingham, Nox, Nutt, Nutty, Oden, Odle, O'Farrell, Offill, Ofriel, O'Hara, Oldram, Oliver, O'Mara, Page, Paine, Painter, Painturff, Palmer, Park, Parker, Partner, Pateson, Patrick, Patterson, Patton, Pattons, Paul, Paxton, Payne, Peacock, Peale, Pebbles, Peeble, Peebles, Peery, Pegram, Pelter, Persinger, Peters, Phegan, Phelan, Phelps, Phillips, Pickett, Pinnell, Pitzer, Plecker, Plunkett, Poage, Poesy, Pole, Polk, Porter, Porterfield, Posey, Poter, Potts, Powel, Powers, Preston, Price, Prince, Prior, Pritt, Propst, Puffenberger, Pullen, Pullin, Pullins, Putnam, Rader, Rainey, Ramsay, Ramsey, Raney, Ratcliff, Ratliff, Ray, Rayhill, Reagh, Reah, Reaugh, Redman, Redmond, Reed, Reid, Renick, Revercomb, Reynolds, Rhea, Rheas, Rian, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Richie, Rider, Right, Riley, Ritchie, Rithway, Roberta, Roberts, Robertson, Robey, Robinson, Robnson, Robuck, Rockey, Rodecap, Rodgers, Roebuck, Rogers, Romney, Roop, Rorke, Rose, Ross, Rosser, Rourke, Rowe, Royall, Rucker, Ruckman, Rule, Rupe, Rush, Rusmisell, Russell, Rutherford, Ryder, Ryne, Salmon, Salt, Sampson, Satchell, Sawyer, Sawyers, Saxton, Schosleo, Scott, Seely, Seelys, Selim, Setlington, Shaffer, Shanklin, Shanks, Shannon, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaver, Shaw, Shawver, Sheesley, Sheffer, Shelton, Shields, Shirkey, Showalter, Shrewsbury, Shultz, Shumaker, Shumate, Sigafoos, Silver, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Singlenton, Siron, Sitington,, Sitlington, Sitlintown, Sittlington, Sively, Skidmore, Skillern, Skilron, Slath, Slavin, Sloan, Slone, Slosser, Smith, Smythe, Snead, Snider, Snodgrass, Snyder, Soice, Spottswood, Sprawl, Sprouse, Sprowl, Stack, Stanley, Staunton, Steele, Stephenson, Sterrett, Sterry, Steuart, Steuarts, Steuben, Stevenson, Steward, Stewart, Stiff, Still, Stimson, Stinespring, Stinson, Stombeck, Stone, Stout, Strother, Stuart, Stull, Summers, Surber, Sutton, Swadley, Swartz, Swearingen, Swearingham, Sweet, Swerengen, Switchard, Switcher, Swoope, Sybert, Sydnor, Syms, Tabley, Tackett, Taliaferro, Tallman, Tankersley, Tanner, Tate, Taylor, Templeton, Terrell, Terrill, Thacker, Tharp, Thomas, Thompson, Tidd, Tiffany, Tinsley, Todd, Tomblin, Toms, Townsend, Townson, Tracewell, Trainor, Trimble, Trostle, Trotter, Trout, Tucker, Tuller, Tuning, Turnbull, Turner, Tygart, Tyree, Usher, Vachub, Vachube, Vacob, Vahubs, Valentine, Van Derveer, Van Lear, Vance, Vances, Vanosdale, Vanstavern, Vaught, Vees, Venable, Vess, Viers, Vines, Waddell, Waddle, Wade, Waid, Waide, Waitt, Walgrave, Walker, Walkup, Walkups, Wall Wallace, Wallaces, Wallin, Walsh, Walters, Walton, Wandless, Wanless, Ward, Ware, Warick, Waring, Warman, Warren, Warrick, Warwick, Warwicks, Washington, Watson, Watts, Waugh, Weaver, Webb, Weems, White, Whitefield, Whiteman, Whitesides, Whitman, Wiatt, Wildridge, Wiley, Wilfong, Wilkenson, Williams, Williamson, Willoughby, Willson, Wilson, Winder, Windom, Wine, Wiseman, Withrow, Witt, Wood, Wooden, Woods, Woodzell, Wooley, Wooten, Wright, Wrights, Wyatt, Yoakum, Youll, Young, Zimmerman,

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1917 History & Genealogy of BATH County Virginia VA

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