Description: 1904 antique MONTGOMERY COUNTY pa HISTORY 2vol 1086pgs genealogy biographicalSCROLL DOWN for MORE PHOTOS in DESCRIPTION Click HERE to view or search ANTIQUE.COTTAGE listings. This listing is for the leather hardcover 2vol complete book set, 11"x9", 1086 pages . Biographical annals of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, containing genealogical records of representative families, including many of the early settlers and biographical sketches of prominent citizens Volume I Contents: Alderfer, John B., 319 Allebach, D. Melvin. 17Allebaugh, Elmer S., 255 Anders. Samuel K., 19 Anders, William S.. 499 Anderson, John F.. 124 Argue. Andrew K., 63 Arnoldy. Henrie. 300 Arthur, Albanus C, 393 Ashton, Charles B.. 95 Auchenbach, William. 525 Ayars, Matilda M., 419 Bach, William P., 215 Baker, Andrew H.. 21 Barlow, Harvey, 199 Barlow, Joel, 394 Bate, Richard H., 4S7 Bate. William T., 484 Bauer, George, 195 Bean. Wilmer M., 97 Beaver, Barnet K., 438 Beeber, Thomas R.. 30T Beener, Christian. 219 Bellows'. Horace M.. 436 Benner. Milton B.. 307 Bergey, David H., 50 Berkhimer. Charles, 155 Berkhimer. George Berkhimer, JohnBinder, William J Bishop. DanielBlattner, JohnBlock, BenjaminBoorse, ElizabethBoorse, JohnBosler, JosephBowman, Geore WBoyd, JamesBoyer, Henry K.Boyer, J. FrankBradley. Andrew J., Brant. Samuel S., 427 Brecht, John E.. 364 Brooke, William. 205 Brophy. Joseph J., 360 Brownback. Henry M., 2. Buckman, Thomas, T12 Buckwalter, I. N.Butcher. William, 1.?.*^ Buzby, Thomas P., 528 Caley, Cyrus H., 107 Cameron, James S., 355 Carey, Joseph H., 203 Cassel, Benjamin C, 174 Cassel, Isaac R., 394 Casselberry, Clarence 'M.. 181 Castner, George W., 296 Chain. B. Percv. 89 Childs, Louis M., 42 Childs, S. Powell, 127 Clamer, Francis J.. 56 Clark, Isaac J., 528 Clayton, Abraham T., 59 Clayton, Hamilton, 65 Clayton, William L., 469 Cleaver. Chalkley K.. 338 Cleaver, Jonathan. 540 Clemmer, Josiah. 247 Clymer. Frank M.Colton, John M.Comly. Harry. 380 Conard. Henry F.Conrad, John M.. 159 Cooke, Jay, 62 Corson, Ellwood M.. 292 Corson, Isabella F.. 471 Corson. Mary. 471 Corson, JosephCoulston, Joseph P.. 524 Coulston. Walter. 74 Cox, B. Wilson.Cox. Charles A., 510 Cozens, James A.Crawford, AlbertCressman. Henry C, 102 Custer, Horace .A.Davidheiser, FranklinDavidheiser. Milton R , 430 Davidheiser. William W.. 416 Davis, Jesse B., 93 Davis, Jesse M.. 322 Davis. Tohn. 182 Davis. Mary Davis, The FamilyDengler, Harry ODePrefontaine, Charles. 147 DePrefontaine. Walter, 150 Detwiler. George M., 358 Dingee, Albert H.. 529 Dingee. Lester I.. 529 Dotterrer. AugustusDresher, Samuel, 460 Duddy, John. 448 Duffield. Frank W., 158 Dyer, John T., 35 Ebert, Horace M., 9 Edwards, Jacob, 527 Egbert, Allan C. 257 Egolf, George L.Ehst, Jacob M., 407 Ellis, David M..Erb, Israel M., 381 Espenship, Matilda B., 347 Evans. Benjamin, 297 Evans, L. Kryder, 213 Evans. Miller D., 222 Evans. Montgomery. 4 Evans, Oliver M Evans, William, 298 Famous, Benjamin F., 164 Farrall, Frank P., 330 Feather, Hiram B., 187 Fegely, Calvin. 191 Fegely. W. O., 369 Fegley. Franklin G.Felty, L. R., 540 Finkbiner, U. S. Fisher, Adam, 452 Fisher, Harvey S., .184 F'isher, John F.. 175 Fisher, Samuel R., 2,?o Fisher, S. Wilson, 264 Fleck, Byron M., 463 Fornance. Joseph. 373 Freed, Elias K.,Freed. William GFretz, Allen M., 245 Fritz, John S., 202 Fritz, John S., 493 Fronhiser, Samuel, 183 Frorer. Henry. 350 Fryer. Josiah. .^90 Gable. Percival K., 77 Garber, Joseph S., 420 Gehman, Abner H., 277 Gehret, George W., 361 Geist, Howard W.. 351 Gilbert, Elias H., 220 Gilbert, JamesGilbert, John G.. 132 Gilbert, Maurice E., 250 Gilbert. William, 404. Gillin, Robert H., 451 Gillin, Thomas S., 449 Glenn. Thomas .\., S31 Godshalk, Frank S., 318 Godshalk, George D., 31 ^ Godshalk, J. W., 493 Gordon, Samuel,. 252 Gotwalts, JacobGroff, Henry A.. 27 Groff, Joseph W., 36S Hainer, Levi .\V.. 295 Hall. Joanna, 379 Hall, William MHallman, Harry F.. 265 Hallman, James M.. 253 Hallowell, Alfred P., 66 Hallowell, Jacob L., 435 Hallowell, Joseph W., 136 Hallowell, William J., 481 Hamel, George, Sr., 539 Hampton, John. 52 Harry. Edwin M.. 203 Hart. Andrew L.. 458 Hart, Elwood L., 14: Hart. Zieber, 220 Hartenstine. Samuel. 406 Hartranft. Caroline K.. 266 Hartranft. John F.. S17 Harvey. David G.. 67 Hawkins, Charles G.. 413 Heckler, Isaac R.. 3S2 Heebner. Jacob W..Helffenstein. Albert,' 118 Hendricks, Abraham H., 186 Hendricks, Joseph HHerner, Henry H., 447 Herner, John R., 475 High. David K.. V'8 High. .Samuel.. 530 Jarrett. John H., 354 Jarrett, Samuel F.. 444 Jenkins. Earl A.. 11 Jenkins. Howard Jenkins, Parker, 426 Johnson, Jacob S., 237 Jones, George W., 289 Jones. Jonathan R., 542 Kane, Edward F., Kane, James JKeeler, Henry A., Kehl, Albert G., 542 Kennedy, David R., 119 Kepler, Fnrman, 422 Kepler, Levi F., 453 Keyser, Esther W.. 308 Keyser, Milton T., 114 Kibblehouse. Ralph K., 268 Kirk, TesseKnipe. Irvin P , 02 Kratz. Henry W.Kranse. Anna J . 267 Kriebel. Abraham. 421 Krieble, Jesse S , 290 Krieble. John K.,-I7S Kulp. Samuel N,. 86 Kurtz. Irwin B., 196 Landis, T. Horace. Sr Landis, Jonas Laros. Jesse S., 478 Larzelere, Nicholas H., 6 Latch, Edward B., 121 Leaf, Henry P.,Lee, J. Ellwood, 22 Leitenberger, John, 316 Lenhart, John E., 446 Levengood. Peter Y., 260 Lewin, T. Milton, 482 Lewis, EffieLinde, Catharine. 279 Linde. Christian. 279 Lindsay, Andrew. 69 Livezey, M.Livezey, T. Ellwood. 32 Livezey. Thomas H., 5:0 Lodge. John W.. 176 Longstreth, Sarah H.. 454 Loomis. John. 251 Loughlin. Alexander, 472 Lovett. Robert, J.90 Lowery. HarryLukens, CharlesLukens, GeorgeLukens, IawoodLukens, The FamilyLukens, William E.Mann. Charles H . 476 March. ThomasMartin, William 1., s4 Mather. Charles. Mather, IsaacMatthews, EdwardMauck, the FamilyMcCann, JosephMcFarland. the FamilyMcGinley. Joseph J., 225 McHarg, John S., 446 McHarg, William, 367 McKinlay, John, 348 McMahon, George, 423 Meschter, George K., 306 Messinger, S. L., 216 Metz, Abraham K., 445 Metz, John K., 309 Mills, Ellis, Mintzer, WilliamMoore, Herbert LMoore. M Anna. 497^ Morgan, GeorgeMorris, John R.Morris, Oliver G.Morton, The FarmMoyer, TobiasMurphy, Andrew J.Murphy, BenjaminMurphy, George D.Nash, Daniel, 502 Nash, Harrv L., 228 Nash, Joseph v.. 125 Neiman, Howard Y., 214 Newlin. Franklin. 271 Newport. David. 129 Nippos, William D.,Noble. SamuelNyce. Edwin S., 404 Nyce. Jacob P.. 315 Oberholtzer. Morris B.. 360 O'Brien. Michael P.. 76" Ortt, Rowley K., 83 Penrose, Benjamin F., 383 Phillips. Thonias W.. 140 Pifer, Georee W., 228 Porter. T. Elmer. 400 Potts. William W.. 326 Rambo. Charles W.. 231 Ramey. Charles. 227 Ramsey. Ellen D . 343 Rapp. PeterRaudenbush, OwenReifsnyder. Horace 1^-514 Reigner. Jesse B.. 350 Rex. John H., 64Richards, Anna F. . 190 Richards. William B , 321 Richardson, David D.Righter, HoraceRoberts, AlgernonRoberts, CharlesRoberts, Ellwnod. 542 Roberts, Huqh.Roberts. Willis R . 160 Rodenbuagh, William H.Rogers, the FamilyRoot R. MorganRoyer John D.Rupert. William W.. 207 Ruth, Jacob K.. 310 Sands, HoratioSassaman, HenrySaylor. Albert G,, 198 Saylor, Elmer E., 422 Schall. John W., go Scheldt. Adam, 104 Schirmer. John. 157 Schneider. Henry W., 269 Schrack. John, Schreiher. Jolm S., 138 Schreiber, Theodore. 133 Schwab. George M., 152 Schwenk, Samuel Z., 399 Schweyer. Henry A., 346 Seiple. Samuel C, ,S44 Seipt. George A.. 311 Shade. Jacob. 414 Shade, John M., 208 Shaner, Harry A., 413 Shellenberger. Edwin M.. 170 Shelly. Daniel W., 543 Shelmire, John S.. 401 Sheppard. William. 261 Shoemaker. Jesse C.. 164 Shoemaker. Joseph A.. 144 1 Shoemaker, Louis R.Shoemaker, Mary S.. 148 Shoemaker. William H., 146 Shuler, William R., 357 Simpson. Charles. 417 Slingluff, Henry G, 142 Slingluff, Williiam Slough, EphraimSmith. Frank L.. 424 Smith. Newberry A., 46 Smith. O. P., 212 Smith. Thomas V., 258 Snell. William C, 392 Snyder. John C. 294 Snyder. Stephen. 319 Sonnner, Henry J., 499 Sonder, Elmer N.. 476 Souder, Harvey.Spang. Joseph. 204 Springer. Daniel J., 239 Stager, John, 544 Stahlnecker, Henry W., 467 Stannard, Edward J., 153 Stannard, Lewis J., 323 Steele. Thomas C, 211 Stinson, Charles H., 87 Stong, Lewis B., 133 Stout. Amanda, 492 Stout, John D., 420 Stover, Christian, 401 Strahan, J. A., 107 Strasser, Ernest W., 461 Streeper, Thomas' S,, 332 Strehle, August, 474 Styer. Freas, 320 Summers, The Family. 534 Summers, William, 536 Supplee, J. Henderson, 506 Supplee, Joel. 249 Swavely, Samuel B., 412 Taft, Eugene L., 254 Taggart, William, 235 Taubel. Louis E., 223 Templeton, Charles. 85 Thomas. Benjamin, 36 Thomson, James K., 49 Thomson. Thomas, 522 Titlow, Jacob R., 234 Todd, John, 188 Townsend, Edward Y., .46 Townsend, Henry T., 48 Townsend, John W., 48 Twaddell, John H., 200 Tyson, John H.. 99 Tyson, Joseph H., 310 Updegrove, Francis B., 349 Vanderslice, John VanHorn, James. 167 Voorhees, J. Frank. 396 Wagner. John T., 221 Walt, Abram. 370 Walt, Andrew, 462 Walton, Amos, 149 Walton, William E.. 143 Wanger, Irving P., 28 Wanner, Ellwood J., 509 Watt, George W., 299 Weber, J. Howard, 173 Weigner, John K., 314 Weinberger, J. Shelly, 432 Wells. Mary M., 270 Wells, William J., 440 Wentz, Abram, 70 West, Willia,, 168 White, Daniel H., 483 Wiand. William H., 457 Wickersham, Frank, 466 Wieand, Charles S., 408 Willauer, William, 384 Williams, Irvin C, 229 Williard, Philip, 456 Wise, Henry Y.. 426 Withers, M. Augustus, Wolford, Benjamin D,, 380 Wood, Charles S.. 513 Wood, David E., 430 Wood, Horace C, 159 Wood, John. 532 Wood, Richard F., 464 Woodward. S. B., 542 Yeager. Samuel S.Yerger, Samuel M. Ziegler. Elmer B.. Volume II Contents (see photos) Excellent original early family and/or town genealogy, history, antique, collectible heirloom and/or ephemera. autograph CONDITION: Shiny Gold Gilt Page edges. Covers have been touched up with dye as there are chips off the leather and cover. Cover hinges are cracked but reinforced with bookbinders glue. Glue has attached the first endpapers one there is a whole on one of the blank pages. Volume II is missing it's spine and has been repaired with modern bookbinding cloth tape. See listing description and photos. - International buyers are responsible to pay VAT or other Taxes to their countries as required.- eBAY collects and remits sales tax on behalf of several states. If you are a dealer, you can write to eBay to file a form to become tax exempt. LOC: LOC2: BOOKBOX01-SHELF-TMK Powered by SixBit's eCommerce Solution
Price: 124.95 USD
Location: Avondale, Pennsylvania
End Time: 2024-12-26T20:17:25.000Z
Shipping Cost: 23.13 USD
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Topic: Montgomery Co.Pa.
Binding: Hardcover
Subject: History
Special Attributes: Illustrated
Language: English
Original/Facsimile: Original
Region: North America
Place of Publication: New York
Year Printed: 1904
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States