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Description: * 178 VINTAGE PHOTOGRAPHY BOOKS COLLECTION on DVD * CAMERA HISTORY TECHNIQUES This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. ~ Titles Include ~ A complete treatise on artistic retouching, modeling, etching, art and nature, art and photography, character, chiaroscuro, composition, style and individuality by C. Weisman (1903) A complete treatise on the art of retouching photographic negatives and clear directions how to finish & colour photographs by R. Johnson (1898) A dictionary of photography - for the professional and amateur photographer by E. J. Wall (1889) A dictionary of photography by T. Sutton (1867) A history and handbook of photography by G. Tissandier (1876) A history of photography written as a practical guide and an introduction to its latest developments by W. J. Harrison (1887) A manual of photography intended as a text book for beginners and a book of reference for advanced photographers by M. C. Lea (1871) A popular treatise on photography by D. Monckhoven (1863) A treatise on photography by W. Abney (1878) Aide-mémoire pratique de photographie by A. Londe (1897) Amateur photography, a practical guide for the beginner by W. Adams (1893) An adventure in photography by O. Thanet (1893) An introduction to the science & practice of photography by C. Jones (1888) An introduction to the science & practice of photography by C. Jones (1891) Art in photography - with selected examples of European and American work by C. Holme (1905) Beginners' troubles by F. Fraprie (1921) Burton's modern photography by W. Burton (1886) Carbon printing, with a chapter on Thos. Manly's Ozotype process by E. J. Wall (1904) Cassell's cyclopedia of photography by B. Jones (1911) Colored media for the photographic dark room by W. H. Pickering (1885) Compendium der practischen Photographie fur Amateure und Fachphotographen by F. Schmidt (1891) Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol. 1 by J. B. Schriever (1909) Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol. 2 by J. B. Schriever (1909) Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol. 3 by J. B. Schriever (1909) Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol. 4 by J. B. Schriever (1909) Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol. 5 by J. B. Schriever (1909) Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol. 6 by J. B. Schriever (1909) Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol. 7 by J. B. Schriever (1909) Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol. 8 by J. B. Schriever (1909) Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol. 9 by J. B. Schriever (1909) Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol. 10 by J. B. Schriever (1909) Die photographische Ausrüstung des Forschungsreisenden mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Tropen by A. Niemann (1896) Die photographische Messkunst, oder, Photogrammetrie, Bildmesskunst, Phototopographie by F. Schiffner (1892) Dry plate making for amateurs by G. L. Sinclair (1886) Dry plate photography ; or, The tannin process, made simple and practical for operators and amateurs by J. Towler (1865) Early work in photography a text-book for beginners by W. Henry (1896) Ferric & heliographic processes a handbook for photographers, draughtsmen, and sun printers by G. Brown (1900) Guide theorique et pratique du photographe by V. G. Sella (1857) Handbook of the practice and art of photography by H. W. Vogel (1875) Handbuch der Photographie der Neuzeit by J. Kruger (1884) How to be a successful amateur photographer by W. J. Lancaster (1890) Instruction in photography by W. Abney (1884) La photographie mise a la portée de tout le monde by T. Robertson (1867) La photographie pour tous by L. Mulot (1861) La pratique en photographie, avec le procédé au gélatino-bromure d'argent by F. Dillaye (1896) L'art du photographe, comprenant les procédés complets surpapier et sur glace négatifs et positifs by H. de La Blanchere (1859) Le passe, le present et l'avenir de la photographie; manuel pratique de photographie by A. Menut (1861) Le procede Rawlins a l'huile by C. Puyo (1907) Les développateurs organiques en photographie et le paramidophénol by A. Lumiere (1893) Les récréations photographiques by L. Bergeret (1891) L'objectif photographique - fabrication, essai, emploi by G. H. Niewenglowski (1892) Manuel elementaire de photographie au collodion humide, a l'usage des commencʹants by E. Dumoulin (1874) Manuel pratique de photographie by A. Petit (1883) Method of measuring the absolute sensitiveness of photographic dry plates by W. H. Pickering (1844) Modern photography in theory and practice - a hand book for the amateur by H. G. Abbott (1899) Naturalistic photography for students of the art by P. Emerson (1889) Outdoor photography by J. Dimock (1912) Photo-aquatint, or, The gum-bichromate process - a practical treatise on a new process of printing in pigment especially suitable for pictorial workers by A. Maskell (1901) Photogenic manipulation - containing the theory and plain instructions in the art of photography, or the production of pictures through the agency of light by G. Fisher (1845) Photographer's pocket reference-book and dictionary, for photographers and amateurs by H. W. Vogel (1873) Photographic enlarging - a handbook for amateur photographers by R. C. Bayley (1910) Photographic instruction text - a systematic course and working guide in all the processes which ordinarily take up the attention of camera workers by G. Paltridge (1900) Photographic manipulation by G. Le Gray (1885) Photographic printers' assistant by W. Heighway (1892) Photographic printing methods - a practical guide to the professional and amateur worker by W. H. Burbank (1891) Photographics - a series of lessons, accompanied by notes, on all the processes which are needful in the Art of photography by E. Wilson (1881) Photographie au charbon by L. Vidal (1869) Photographie par émulsion sèche au bromure d'argent pur by A. Chardon (1877) Photography A new treatise, theoretical and practical, of the processes and manipulations on paper, dried and wet glass, collodion and albumen by A. Heath (1855) Photography and its applications by W. Gamble (1920) Photography by H. P. Maskell (1911) Photography for the amateur by G. French (1922) Photography made easy by R. Bayley (1920) Photography of to-day - a popular account of the origin, progress and latest discoveries in the photographer's art, told in non-technical language by H. Jones (1913) Photography with emulsions a treatise on the theory and practical working of the collodion and gelatine emulsion processes by W. Abney (1885) Photography, indoors and out - a book for amateurs by A. Black (1893) Photography, its principles and applications by A. Watkins (1911) Picture making for pleasure and profit; a complete illustrated hand-book on the modern practices of photography in all its various branches, for amateur and professional by T. Baldwin (1902) Picture taking and picture making by The Eastman Kodak Company (1898) Plain directions for obtaining photographic pictures upon waxed and albumenised paper and glass, by collodion and albumen by C. Heisch (1852) Platinum toning - including directions for the production of the sensitive paper by L. Clarke (1892) Portraiture for amateurs without a studio; with one hundred and twenty-six illustrations and diagrams by F. C. Lambert (1903) Practical photography - being the science and art of photography, developed for amateurs and beginners by O. Wheeler (1881) Practical pictorial photography by A. Hinton (1902) Practical pocket-book of photography - a short guide to the practice of all the usual photographic processes for professionals and amateurs by E. Vogel (1896) Premieres lecʹons de photographie by L. Perrot de Chaumeux (1867) Remarks concerning certain photographs supposed to be of early date by M. Boulton (1864) Secrets of the dark chamber by D. Davie (1870) Snap-shot photography or, The pleasures and advantages of hand-camera work by M. J. Harding (1895) Studies in photography by J. Andrews (1892) Sure and easy development of plates and films by A. H. Hinton (1904) The agfa-book of photographic formulae by G. L. Barrows (1910) The amateur photographer - a manual of photographic manipulation, intended especially for beginners and amateurs by E. Wallace (1884) The amateur photographer; a manual of photographic manipulation intended especially for beginners and amateurs by E. Wallace (1897) The amateur photographer's hand book. A manual of instruction for the amateur by A. Hope (1890) The American annual of photography (1888) The American annual of photography (1890) The American annual of photography (1891) The American annual of photography (1892) The American annual of photography (1893) The American annual of photography (1894) The American annual of photography (1899) The American annual of photography (1909) The American annual of photography (1910) The American annual of photography (1911) The American annual of photography (1912) The American annual of photography (1913) The American annual of photography (1914) The American annual of photography (1915) The American annual of photography (1916) The American annual of photography (1917) The American annual of photography (1918) The American annual of photography (1919) The American annual of photography (1920) The American annual of photography (1921) The American annual of photography (1922) The art of photography instructions in the art of producing photographic pictures by G. Halleur (1854) The art of retouching by J. P. Ourdan (1891) The artistic side of photography in theory and practice by A. Anderson (1910) The Barnet book of photography - a collection of practical articles (1898) The chemistry of photography by W. J. Harrison (1892) The Colour Book of Photography by L. Lorelle (1958) The complete photographer by R. C. Bayley (1914) The elements of photography by F. Fraprie (1919) The evolution of photography - with a chronological record of discoveries, inventions, etc. by J. Werge (1890) The fundamentals of photography by C. Mees (1921) The modern practice of photography by R. Thomas (1868) The modern practice of retouching negatives, as practiced by French, German, English & American experts by P. Piquepe(1889) The modern way in picture making by The Eastman Kodak Company (c1905) The negative and print, or, The photographer's guide in the gallery and in the field being a text-book for the operator and amateur by J. Towler (1870) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1866) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1867) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1869) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1870) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1871) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1872) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1873) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1874) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1875) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1876) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1877) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1878) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1879) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1880) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1881) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1882) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1883) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1884) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1885) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1886 pt. 1) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1886 pt. 2) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1887) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1888 pt. 1) The Philadelphia photographer (Volume 1888 pt. 2) The photographers' book of practical formulae by W. D. Holmes (1888) The Photographer's note-book and constant companion by F. Lambert (1897) The photographic instructor by W. Adams (1888) The photographic primer - a manual of practice by J. C. Worthington (1896) The practice of photography - a manual for students and amateurs by P. H. Delamotte (1855) The principles and practice of photography familiarly explained by J. Hughes (1880) The progress of photography since the year 1879 by H. Vogel (1883) The reducer's manual, & gold and silver worker's guide by V. G. Bloede (1867) The science and practice of photography - an elementary textbook on the scientific theory and a laboratory manual by J. Roebuck (1920) The selection of subject in pictorial photography by W. Tindall (1901) The story of photography by A. Story (1899) The theory of development by A. H. Nietz (1922) The Wellington photographic handbook by Wellington & Ward (1900) Toning bromides and lantern slides by C. W. Somerville (1904) Traite des insucces en photographie; causes et remedes by V. Cordier (1866) Traite encyclopedique de photographie Vol. 1 by C. Fabre (1889) Traite encyclopedique de photographie Vol. 2 by C. Fabre (1889) Traite encyclopedique de photographie Vol. 3 by C. Fabre (1889) Traite pratique de photographie au charbon by D. Monckhoven (1886) Traite pratique du developpement - etude raisonnee des divers revelateurs et de leur mode d'emploi by A. Londe (1892) Treatise of photography on collodion by C. Waldack (1858) Uncle Alberts manual of practical photography and guide to the reproductive processes by P. Perry (1890) Unit photography by F. M. Steadman (1914) Wilson's photographics; a series of lessons, accompanied by notes, on all the processes which are needful in the art of photography by E. Wilson (1881) Wilson's quarter century in photography. A collection of hints on practical photography which form a complete text-book of the art by E. L. Wilson (1887) About this item:This item is delivered to you as a data CD or DVD disc(s). These CDs/DVDs are intended for the use in your PC/Macintosh computer. If your computer has a CD/DVD drive, it will be able to open the files on the disc(s). Each and every single page of our rare and historical books are carefully scanned and compiled into digital format for your viewing pleasure. This digital format is known as Adobe PDF and most computers already have the software to view these files by default. PDF files are compatible with both Microsoft Windows and Macintosh operating systems. You are able to easily read, search, zoom/magify, flip through/jump to any page, and print any part or page(s) within the viewable book. Our CD/DVD disc(s) are brand new and delivered to you in a white CD/DVD sleeve with quality print on the disc(s). If you have any inquiries about this item, please feel free to contact us. You can use the "Ask a question" link located on the bottom of this page. ... Vintagephilia Thanks You Personally ...For all Vintage Lovers out there, thank you for keeping us in mind! We will continue our best efforts in preserving history one page at a time. Vintagephlia is here to bring you the rarest and hard to find historical memorabilia digitalized for your viewing pleasures.We carry a vast line of products ranging from classic audiobooks, historical literature, old time radio shows, rare films, old prints, antique artwork, and just about anything vintage-related! Each product has been carefully researched, compiled, and digitalized in preservinga part of the past. We hope that you cherish and share this wealth of knowledge ~ We lovevintage, nostalgia, and history as much as you do! ~ Be sure to add us to your favorites list!Visit Our eBay Storecheck out our other items!

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